Treasures of Mt. Takao

Takao 599 museum has all kinds of animals inhabit in Mt. Takao in various ways of exhibitions such as seasonal wild plants preserved in acrylic and all kinds of animals specimens inhibits in Mt. Takao. On the "NATURE WALL," stuffed animals are displayed and shows the movie to introduce the dynamic nature of Mt. Takao.

Aiolocaria hexaspilota
Aiolocaria hexaspilota Coccinellidae
Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Found in woods, green spaces from flatlands to mountains and also along streams in valleys. Is the largest species in Coccinellidae family native to Japan and looks quite strange for ladybugs with the size of larger than 1cm. Fore wings are shiny with red and black complicated patterns like tortoise, hence the Japanese name Kamenoko-tento literally meaning tortoise ladybug. Is seen from early spring to early autumn and adults and larvae feed on larvae of gastrolina depressa and chrysomela populi often found on Japanese walnut and Japanese wingnut and chrysomela vigintipunctata often found on willow. When sensing dangers, exuding smelling body fluids just like most species in ladybugs. In early winter, cluster in gaps of barks or under stones to spend winter.

●Length  about 8 to 12 mm
●Adults Flights Season  April to about October
※Quotation from Mount Takao formula application
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