Treasures of Mt. Takao

Mt. Takao is considered one of the three major habitat of insects along with Minoo (Osaka prefecture) and Kibune (Kyoto prefecture) and it has long been loved by researchers of insects because of number of species and the easy access from the Metropolitan area. There are many insects first found in Mt. Takao and named after "Takao" such as Takao Shachihoko (Hiradonta takaonis Matsumura) and Takao medaka kamikiri (Stenhomalus takaosanus).

Ochlodes ochraceus
Ochlodes ochraceus Hesperiidae
Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
Found in forests, plateaus, forest trails from low elevations to mountains.
Japanese name Hime-kimadara-seseri literally meaning small yellow irregularly patterned hesperiidae (The Japanese Dart) but this species is about the same size with the Japanese Dart.
Wing color is reddish yellow with black-brown edges.
Patterns are rather net-like appearance not irregularly placed patterns that is distinguish them from the Japanese Dart.
Wings of female are dark brown with some yellow spots.
The back of wings for both male and female is orange to light yellow-brown and have stripe patterns along wing veins.
Fly fast closer to the ground in forests during daytime.
Feed on nectar of annual fleabane and azalea.
Caterpillars feed on leaves of poaceae family including Oplismenus undulatifolius and yamakamo-ashiboso(in Microstegium genus).

●Wingspan  about 25 to 30 mm
●Adult Flight Season  May to about September
※Quotation from Mount Takao formula application
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