Original Goods
Handy items for mountain climbing and observing nature such as original mont-bell t-shirts, A6 notebooks, plus stickers and postcards that make great gifts. Check out the museum gift shop for original items that make the perfect souvenirs of your visit.
* Items and prices are subject to change without notice.
599 BOOK 2,100 yen
Original mont-bell t-shirt 2,200-2,800 yen
A6 notebook (six colors) 400 yen each
Postcard (10 varieties) 200 yen each
Stickers (8 varieties) 100 yen each
Japanese hand towel (3 varieties) 1,500 yen each
* The picture above includes items not for sale.
Original Goods Made from Tama Wood
Nurturing and using the forest of Tokyo.
Tama wood may not be famous, but it is grown and processed in the Tama area in western Tokyo. To ensure a sound forest that we can pass on to the next generation as one of the area’s blessings, it is important that forest resources are utilized in a sustainable cycle: (1) nurturing the forest, (2) logging and lumber utilization, and (3) reinvesting the profits from products made from this wood to further nurture the forest.
To contribute to this cycle, the Takao 599 Museum uses Tama wood to create and sell original goods at its gift shop.
Wooden ruler (straight or triangular) 400 yen
Wooden blocks 2,500 yen
Wooden Bookmark (3 varieties) 900-1,200 yen
Wooden Folding Paper (3 varieties) 800 yen each
* The museum plans to develop more original items and expand the current selection. Keep your eyes out for new products.
Tama Wood Table & Chairs
Born and raised in Tokyo.
On the museum’s premises you will find tables and chairs made from Tama wood. These are also for made-to-order purchase.
Living every day with nature grown in Tokyo.
Please ask museum staff for more details.
# Designed by Daigo Daikoku