Renting museum facilities
1. Rental hours
The gallery is available for use during the business hours of the museum.
8:00am – 5:00pm (Apr. – Nov.)
8:00am – 4:00pm (Dec. – Mar.)
* As a general rule, the gallery is not available for use outside of the business hours of the museum.
* Event set up and cleanup is included in the rental hours.
(Earliest set-up start is 8 am, and cleanup must be completed by the end of business hours.)
* Business hours of the museum are subject to change.
2. Rental fee
1,000 yen/hour
* Rental fees will also be charged for hours needed for event set-up and cleanup.
* Events involving lessons and educational activities based on yearly curricula or course syllabuses for daycare centers, kindergartens, certified centers for early childhood education, elementary schools, junior high schools, and special schools in Hachioji City are exempted from rental fees. For more information, please contact the Takao 599 Museum (referred to below as “museum”).
Tel: 042-665-6688 (from Japan)
+81-42-665-6688 (from outside Japan)
3. Cancellation or Suspension of Use
There may be circumstances when facility usage is abruptly suspended or canceled due to public projects, such as its designation as an election polling place or an evacuation shelter during a disaster. Please note that you may be asked to move or remove exhibits and fixtures if the usage is suspended or canceled.
Regarding restrictions on use and compensation for losses, please refer to '14 Limitations on Approval of Use' in the Terms of Use.
4. Holidays
Open 365 days/year (May close at times for maintenance, etc.)
* The Public Gallery is not available for use when the museum is closed.
5. Procedures for renting the gallery
(1) Visit the museum in person, fill in, and submit the required rental application.
* Temporary bookings may be made by phone. As a general rule, a rental application is to be submitted to the museum within one week of making a temporary booking. Temporary bookings will be cancelled if the applicant does not visit in person or contact the museum within a week.
(2) After submitting a rental application, museum staff will generally explain rental conditions and availability. If use of the gallery is approved, written notification of approval will be issued.
* Rental applications for exhibitions of art work and other events may take time to review. In these cases, it may not be possible to issue an approval on the same day that the application is submitted.
* Written notifications of approval cannot be reissued. Renters must present this written notification on the day of the event. Please keep this document in a safe place.
(3) Renters are asked to pay the rental fee in cash when the written notification of approval is issued.
6. Dates for accepting rental applications
As a general rule, applications for rental of the Public Gallery should be received by the first day of the month which falls three months before the event. In the following cases, however, renters may submit applications six months in advance.
* When the gallery is to be used for lessons and educational activities based on yearly curricula or course syllabuses for daycare centers, kindergartens, certified centers for early childhood education, elementary schools, junior high schools, and special schools in Hachioji City
7. Using the gallery for exhibitions of art work
The gallery may be used for exhibitions of paintings, photographs, video or film, installations, design, crafts, and other art work that are open to the general public and held by groups that meet the criteria below. Individuals may not use the gallery for these events. For details about the required documents and procedures, please contact the museum directly.
•Groups that are based primarily in Tokyo and hold prefecture-wide or nationwide open exhibitions of original art work.
•Groups with clearly defined decision-making and administration procedures set forth in articles of association or similar documents
•Groups with clear and transparent financial accounts
•Groups whose activities and/or sponsored projects conform with the museum’s concepts
•Groups that are also able to comply with the terms of usage listed here
8. Order of acceptance
As a general rule, applicants will be granted use of the gallery on a first come, first served basis.
9. Transfer or lending of approval to use the gallery
Renters may not transfer or lend out the right to use the gallery received with application approval, in all or in part, to a third party.
10. Refund of rental fees
As a general rule, paid rental fees cannot be refunded.
11. Changes to rental terms
Once an application has been approved, the renter may change the date and/or time of use no more than one time before the day of the event. No change may be made to the purpose or content of the approved event. Changes of date and/or time are subject to gallery availability.
* When changes to rental date and/or time result in higher rental fees than those already paid, additional fees will be charged.
* When changes to the rental date and/or time result in lower rental fees than those already paid, refunds will not be issued.
12. Documentation for relevant authorities
The renter is responsible for submitting to the relevant authorities any documentation required by the event such as applications for use of copyrighted material.
13. Procedure on day of event
(1) Present written notification of approval
Before using the gallery, the renter (or a representative) must present the written notification of approval to museum staff.
Use of the gallery should begin after the renter has received instructions and guidance.
* Written notifications of approval cannot be reissued. Please keep the document in a safe place.
(2) Pay any additional fees
Pay any additional fees incurred by extending the rental period.
(3) Cleanup
Renters are asked to clear the gallery and return it to its original state before leaving, and to inform museum staff that the event is finished.
14. Inability to approve gallery use
Approval for use of the gallery cannot be granted in the following cases. If already granted, approval will be canceled in the event of the following. Please be aware of these restrictions.
(1) When interference with public interest or disruption of public order is a concern
(2) When damage or other interference with gallery operation and/or administration is a concern
(3) When information on the rental application and/or other documentation has been falsified
(4) When the Hachioji Takao 599 Museum By-Laws (referred to below as “by-laws”), Hachioji Takao 599 Museum By-Law Enforcement Regulations, or other museum rules have been violated or when violation is a concern
15. Restrictions
(1) General items
The following items are generally prohibited.
•Selling of merchandise or similar actions
•Soliciting of donations
•Advertising or similar actions
•Display or distribution of advertisements, or the setting up of signs or noticeboards
•Holding an event open to the general visitors of the museum.
•Other actions that are prohibited by the museum or deemed to interfere with the administration of the museum
(2) Restrictions on exhibitions of art work
In addition to general restrictions listed under (1) above, the following may not be exhibited at the Public Gallery.
•Floor displays
Displays that are extremely heavy and/or may soil or damage the floor, including displays that involve placing sand, soil or other substances directly on the floor
•Wall displays
Displays that may soil or damage the walls, including harm to walls during installation
•Hanging displays
Items may not, as a general rule, be hung.
•Displays accompanied by sound
Renters must keep the volume level low enough and/or take soundproofing measures to ensure that the event does not interfere with the viewing of other museum exhibitions.
•Items that emit flame, water or smoke
•Items that emit flickering flashes or other strong lights
•Items that emit foul smells or may decay
•Items made of materials that may cause harm to people
•Items that use sand, soil or other material placed directly on the floor and/or items that use materials which could soil or damage the floors
•Animals, plants, dangerous substances, etc.
•Items that could fall within the scope of Article 11 of the museum’s by-laws
16. Restrictions on museum admission
The museum reserves the right to refuse admission in the following cases.
(1) Individuals acting in a manner that could bother other visitors or cause others discomfort
(2) Individuals bringing with them or accompanied by objects or animals that could bother other visitors (with the exception of seeing-eye dogs and other service animals)
(3) Individuals displaying behavior that could fall within the scope of Article 11 of the museum’s by-laws
17. Additional notes on gallery use
(1) At the Public Gallery
•The number of visitors may not exceed the museum’s predetermined capacity.
•Renters may not change or alter the facilities or equipment without express permission of the museum.
•Smoking is prohibited in the museum (as well as on museum grounds).
•Food and drink are prohibited.
•Renters are asked to take any and all trash with them when leaving.
•The renter bears responsibility for any and all accidents and incidents in the gallery that occur at any point during use of the gallery, other than those deemed to be the fault of the museum. This responsibility pertains to accidents and incidents that impact third parties other than the renter, as well.
•The renter bears responsibility for paying for any damage or loss caused to the museum or its facilities during the period of use, including when loading in and out.
•The renter bears responsibility for arranging for any personnel required for gallery surveillance, reception, and administration.
•In order to ensure compliance with fire regulations and other laws, please follow instructions issued by museum staff.
(2) Use of museum equipment
•Tables, chairs, projectors, and other museum equipment are available free of charge. Renters wishing to use these items are asked to submit a request in advance.
•The renter bears responsibility for paying for any loss, soiling or damage caused to museum equipment.
•Please be aware that certain museum equipment is not available for lending.
(3) Parking
The museum does not have guest parking. Visitors arriving by car should park in nearby pay parking lots.
* We recommend that, whenever possible, visitors take public transportation to the museum.
(4) Loading in and out
•When an event involves loading in and out of exhibit items, machinery or other equipment, the renter should appoint a supervisor to oversee this process.
•Renters are asked to be extremely careful and to apply floor/wall protection as necessary to prevent damage to museum facilities.
•Renters who need to bring a vehicle onto museum grounds for the loading in and out of machinery or other equipment should consult with museum staff in advance.
•Renters are asked to be considerate of museum visitors by loading in and out outside of business hours of the museum or taking other measures.
18. Handling of personal information provided when contacting the museum
(1) Personal information collected by the museum in the process of using the Public Gallery is handled in an appropriate manner in compliance with Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information, Hachioji municipal ordinances regarding the protection of personal information, and other related laws and regulations.
(2) The administrator in charge of museum operations is appointed by the City Council and manages these public facilities on behalf of Hachioji City. Information collected by the museum is shared between the appointed administrator and Hachioji City.
19. Changes to the Rules for Using the Public Gallery use agreement
(1) The museum reserves the right to change the Rules for Using the Public Gallery without prior notice to renters when deemed necessary.
(2) After a change to the Rules for Using the Public Gallery, the new terms of the rules will apply to the use of the Public Gallery.
20. Inquiries
Please check with museum staff if you have any questions.
These rules go into effect from August 11, 2015.