Treasures of Mt. Takao

One of great attraction of Mt. Takao is to be able to observe all kinds of birds. Its number is almost 150 kinds which is one third of the species confirmed in all over Japan. Mt. Takao is the paradise for birds and one of the best place for bird watching. Various kinds of birds and its lifestyle could be observed including summer birds come in spring time, winter birds come from the higher altitude and hearing beautiful bird songs during breeding season.

Egretta garzetta (Little Egret)
Egretta garzetta (Little Egret) Ardeidae
White species in the Ardeidae family are called egret and this species is the small sized egret. The largest one is the great egret, the next largest one is the intermediate egret and the smallest one is this species. The bill and toes are yellow base, which can identify this species from other two species. They live in lakes, ponds, paddy fields, bogs and mudflat and even rivers in cities. They build a colony with other egrets, fly to the waterside in the early morning to hunt for prey and come back to the colony in the late afternoon. They prefer fish, frogs and aquatic insects, and shake legs in shallow water to flush out prey hidden in muds. The breeding season is from April to August. They build a dish-shaped nest with twigs and fallen branches, and lay four to six eggs.

●Body Length  about 61 cm
●Season  January to December (resident bird: a bird that stays in the same area all year round)
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