Treasures of Mt. Takao

One of great attraction of Mt. Takao is to be able to observe all kinds of birds. Its number is almost 150 kinds which is one third of the species confirmed in all over Japan. Mt. Takao is the paradise for birds and one of the best place for bird watching. Various kinds of birds and its lifestyle could be observed including summer birds come in spring time, winter birds come from the higher altitude and hearing beautiful bird songs during breeding season.

Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Hawfinch)
Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Hawfinch) Japanese Grosbeak
Breed in forests in Hokkaido and northern areas in Honshu. And fly back to southern part of Honshu in autumn. Found in forests and woods from flatland to mountains and also at parks and residential areas. Short and dumpy body is cute with thick bills and a short tail. Live alone except breeding season and feed on buds and seeds of aphananthe, Chinese hackberry and maple trees. Fly to feeding station to peel the seeds of sunflower with thick bills. Chirp sounding like “chi chi” while resting at tree and “twee” while flying. Are in a small group in spring and fly to north. The breeding season is from May to June. Build a nest with twigs and fallen leaves on branches in forests and lay four to six eggs in a season.

●Body Length  about 19 cm
●Season  November to March (Winter bird, fly to Japan in autumn and spend winter and fly away in spring.)
※Quotation from Mount Takao formula application
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