Treasures of Mt. Takao

Mt Takao is located at the borderline of warm-temperature zone and cool-temperature zone and various plants from both zones grow. There are a lot of naturally grown plants and their visitors can enjoy seasonal flowers. Over 1,500 kinds of plants are confirmed which is relevant to the number of kinds naturally grow in England. Also, over 60 kinds of plants are first found in Mt. Takao such as Takao Sumire (V. yezoensis f. discolor) and Takao Higotai (Saussurea sinuatoides).

Viola rossii
Viola rossii Violaceae
Perennial herbs found in bright forests or grasslands near mountain ridges and mainly found on mountains on Pacific Ocean side of Japan. Is easy to find as it grows in clusters. The Japanese name Akebono-sumire literally meaning the first light from the dawn viola was named because striking red flowers resembling the first light from the dawn. Flower bloom before leaves open and leaves are curled during blooming season. Bloom 2 to 2..5 in diameter flowers at the tips of upright stem and grow from the ground. Is a large plant in viola and most of them are slightly scented. Have hair irregularly on lateral sepals and spur is thick and short. Leaves after flowering is 3 to 4 cm long, heart-shaped with pointed tip and grows from long petioles. Fuzzy on both sides of leaves and they are not shiny.

●Season  Early April to about Early May
●Height  about 5 to 10 cm
●Place  Oku-Takao, Minami-Takao
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