Treasures of Mt. Takao

Mt Takao is located at the borderline of warm-temperature zone and cool-temperature zone and various plants from both zones grow. There are a lot of naturally grown plants and their visitors can enjoy seasonal flowers. Over 1,500 kinds of plants are confirmed which is relevant to the number of kinds naturally grow in England. Also, over 60 kinds of plants are first found in Mt. Takao such as Takao Sumire (V. yezoensis f. discolor) and Takao Higodai (Saussurea sinuatoides).

Quercus glauca
Quercus glauca Fagaceae
They are an evergreen tree that grows wild in the mountains. Cortex is greenish dark gray in color with hollows and small cracks. The trunk grows to be about 60 cm long, and when it gets older, the hollows become vertically deeper. They are often planted for wood hedges and garden trees; the wood is utilized for material for building construction, for furniture and appliance material as well as raw wood to raise shiitake mushrooms. The leaves are long elliptically-shaped about 7 to 12 cm long with the sharp top and with a rather larger sawtooth (Kyoshi: tooth-like rough part like a saw at the root of a leaf) at the upper part of edge. The back of the leaf is waxlike white and bears finely dense trichome. The blossom seasons are about April to May and hermaphroditism plant (Shiyuudousyu).The spike of male flower, about 5 to 10 cm long, dangles from a new branch; while 1 to 3 of female flowers sprout beside the leaf at the upper part of the branch. The seeds, ‘acorn’ (Donguri), are rounded egged-shaped about 1.5 to 2 cm long, get matured on the year of blossoms.

●Height about 15 to 20 m
●Place Trail 1 to 3
※Quotation from Mount Takao formula application
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