Takao 599 museum has all kinds of animals inhabit in Mt. Takao in various ways of exhibitions such as seasonal wild plants preserved in acrylic and all kinds of animals specimens inhibits in Mt. Takao. On the "NATURE WALL," stuffed animals are displayed and shows the movie to introduce the dynamic nature of Mt. Takao.
Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
Found in shady forests and bushes from flatlands to low elevations.
Wing color on the front is black-brown to light gray-brown and on the back is lighter color on edges outside of purplish belt-like patterns.
Eyespots on the front are two to three on fore wings and some have them on hind wings, and on the back are three on fore wings and six to seven on hind wings.
Are active during daytime and fly around trees, plants and flowers.
Feed on sap of quercus acutissima and quercus serrata and also dungs of animals and hardly on nectar of flowers.
Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in poaceae family including oplismenus undulatifolius, Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) and miscanthus sinensis.
●Wingspan about 40 to 50 mm
●Adult Flight Season April to about October
Found in shady forests and bushes from flatlands to low elevations.
Wing color on the front is black-brown to light gray-brown and on the back is lighter color on edges outside of purplish belt-like patterns.
Eyespots on the front are two to three on fore wings and some have them on hind wings, and on the back are three on fore wings and six to seven on hind wings.
Are active during daytime and fly around trees, plants and flowers.
Feed on sap of quercus acutissima and quercus serrata and also dungs of animals and hardly on nectar of flowers.
Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in poaceae family including oplismenus undulatifolius, Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) and miscanthus sinensis.
●Wingspan about 40 to 50 mm
●Adult Flight Season April to about October