Treasures of Mt. Takao

One of great attraction of Mt. Takao is to be able to observe all kinds of birds. Its number is almost 150 kinds which is one third of the species confirmed in all over Japan. Mt. Takao is the paradise for birds and one of the best place for bird watching. Various kinds of birds and its lifestyle could be observed including summer birds come in spring time, winter birds come from the higher altitude and hearing beautiful bird songs during breeding season.

Bombycilla japonica (Japanese Waxwing)
Bombycilla japonica (Japanese Waxwing) Bombycillidae
Come back to Japan around October from breeding ground in Siberia to spent winter. Found in forests in low elevations and at parks in cities. Is very similar to waxwing with reddish brown body with crown-like feathers on the head. Chirp sounding like a bell “tinkle tinkle tinkle”. The point to identify this species from waxwing is the body size. This species is slightly smaller and have red belt-like pattern on tail. Are always in a group and rest in one tree or lining up on electric wires and fly altogether. Feed on nuts of trees but some catches insects during flight. Fly back to the north before summer.

●Body Length  about 18 cm
●Season  October to about May (winter bird)
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