Treasures of Mt. Takao

Takao 599 museum has all kinds of animals inhabit in Mt. Takao in various ways of exhibitions such as seasonal wild plants preserved in acrylic and all kinds of animals specimens inhibits in Mt. Takao. On the "NATURE WALL," stuffed animals are displayed and shows the movie to introduce the dynamic nature of Mt. Takao.

Corydalis lineariloba
Corydalis lineariloba Papaveraceae
Perennial herbs (grow for several years from their same root system) found at bright forest edges and in forests in mountains fields. In Mt. Takao, found in wet areas including streamside. Bloom pointed hat-like shaped flowers in early spring. Flowers are 2 cm long, red-purple to blue-purple. Become more bluish at higher elevations or northern area. Bracts (variants of leaves at the base of petals) are lobed but similar corydalis decumbens are not. This is where to identify this plant. Leaves are ternate compound leaves, three leaves as one set grow from long petioles. The shape of leaves are like foot of birds and pinnate in three. Small underground stems are used as herbal medicine called Engosaku to ease pain or cramps.

●Season Late March to Mid April
●Height about 10 to 20 cm
●Place Ura-Takao, Kita-Takao
※Quotation from Mount Takao formula application
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