Treasures of Mt. Takao


Takao 599 museum has all kinds of animals inhabit in Mt. Takao in various ways of exhibitions such as seasonal wild plants preserved in acrylic and all kinds of animals specimens inhibits in Mt. Takao. On the "NATURE WALL," stuffed animals are displayed and shows the movie to introduce the dynamic nature of Mt. Takao.

  • Papilio xuthus(Asian Swallowtail) Papilionidae
    Papilio xuthus(Asian Swallowtail)
    Papilio xuthus(Asian Swallowtail) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, Sado Island and Yaku Island.
    Well-known butterfly and often seen in residential areas in cities as well as suburban areas because caterpillars feed on plants in rutaceae family which often planted at gardens or hedges.
    This species is so-called swallowtails.
    Fly to sunny trees and grasslands and feed on nectar of ericaceae, cirsium and cayratia japonica.
    Color of wings is less yellowish yellow-white to white than papilio machaon.
    Black lines along wing veins create complicated patterns.
    Have blue and red patterns at the bottom of hind wings.
    The difference between male and female is the tip of abdomen, male is sharp-shaped because of the reproductive organs and female is more round-shaped.

    ●Wingspan (length when fore wings are open)  about 65 to 90 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about October
  • Papilio machaon (Old World Swallowtail) Papilionidae
    Papilio machaon (Old World Swallowtail)
    Papilio machaon (Old World Swallowtail) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Sado Island, Goto Islands and Yaku Island.
    Prefer sunny grasslands and paddy fields from flatlands to mountains.
    Often seen at parks and residential areas in cities.
    Adults are also found from flatlands to high lands of 3000 meters elevations, thus living area varies to different elevations.
    Fly to green grasslands during the daytime and feed on nectar of ericaceae and cirsium.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in apiaceae family including water dropwort javanica and parsleys.
    Body is similar to swallowtail but can be distinguished by the wing color, which more strong yellow as the Japanese name Ki-ageha literally meaning yellow swallowtail states.
    And at the base of wings are black without any patterns.
    Male holds territory at high elevations, and is often seen around mountain peak.

    ●Wingspan  about 70 to 90 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about September
  • Papilio protenor (Spangle) Papilionidae
    Papilio protenor (Spangle)
    Papilio protenor (Spangle) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Honshu (South of southern Tohoku area), Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa and Yaeyama Islands.
    Prefer shadowy areas and found in woody forests, sometimes seen at parks and residential areas in cities.
    In Mt. Takao, often found at mountain trails.
    Body color is mat black and tails at the lower tips of hind wings are smaller than other species in papilionidae.
    Do not have strong characteristics so it is easy to identify.
    On the back of hind wings, male has red spots only on the back and female has them on both sides.
    Fly to shady area avoiding sun and feed on nectar of plants in ericaceae family.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in rutaceae family.

    ●Wingspan  about 80 to 120 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about October
  • Papilio macilentus (The Long Tail Spangle) Papilionidae
    Papilio macilentus (The Long Tail Spangle)
    Papilio macilentus (The Long Tail Spangle) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okushiri Island, Sado Island and Shodo Island.
    Found in woods on hills or at streamsides in mountains.
    Wings are shiny black and have crescent moon-shaped red patterns on edges of hind wings.
    These patterns on female are more distinct.
    Only male have white front edges of hind wings but this is often covered by fore wings.
    Similar to papilio protenor but this species have long tails as Japanese name Onaga-ageha literally meaning long tail swallowtail states.
    Fly around streamsides in mountains and feed on nectar from azalea and lilium medeoloides.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of orixa japonica and Japanese pepper.
    Only male suck waters at paddles and swamps sometimes do in groups.

    ●Wingspan  about 90 to 110 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about September
  • Papilio bianor (Chinese Peacock) Papilionidae
    Papilio bianor (Chinese Peacock)
    Papilio bianor (Chinese Peacock) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and other isolated islands including Goto Islands.
    Found in forests from flatlands to mountains.
    Wing color is black and covered by blue-green scales and the colors and brightness differ by viewing angles and are very beautiful.
    The back of wings is black with red spots on hind wings.
    Male has mat and hairy part on fore wings that are to distinguish male from female.
    Is active during daytime and fly fast and feed on nectar of plants in ericaceae family and moss phlox.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of orixa japonica and Japanese pepper.
    Only male suck fresh water on mountain trails in Mt. Takao.
    Male in papilionidae family fly on the same route regularly, which is called flyway.

    ●Wingspan  about 80 to 110 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about September
  • Papilio maackii(Maackii Peacock) Papilionidae
    Papilio maackii(Maackii Peacock)
    Papilio maackii(Maackii Peacock) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, Sado Island, Tanega Island and Yaku Island.
    Found in forests from low elevations to mountains, also in woods along coastline.
    Is not too appealing but very beautiful with black wings covered by blue scales creating bright green or deep blue by different viewing angles.
    Some says that this species is the most beautiful butterfly representing Japan.
    Bright belt-like colors on the back of fore and hind wings are to distinguish them from similar papilio bianor but some species have less distinct patterns.
    Male fly to various kinds of places, even at mountain peaks and adults feed on nectar of plants in ericaceae family.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of Japanese prickly-ash.

    ●Wingspan  about 90 to 120 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  May to about September
  • Byasa alcinous (Chinese Windmill) Papilionidae
    Byasa alcinous (Chinese Windmill)
    Byasa alcinous (Chinese Windmill) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, Goto Islands, Yaku Island and Amami Islands.
    Found in various places from bright areas of riverbeds and grassland in flatlands to woody areas and forests from flatlands to mountains.
    Wing colors differ by sex, male is mat smoky black and female is yellow-gray to dark-gray with distinct black wing veins.
    Both male and female have crescent moon-shaped red patterns on the back of hind wings.
    Caterpillars feed on aristolochia debilis that are poisonous and the body of caterpillars with red patterns display that they are also poisonous.
    Is active during daytime and feed on nectar from plants in ericaceae family, deutzia crenata and in Cirsium family.
    Japanese name Jyako-ageha literally meaning musk swallowtail was named because male adults are musk-scented.

    ●Wingspan  about 75 to 100 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  May to about September
  • Papilio helenus (Red Helen) Papilionidae
    Papilio helenus (Red Helen)
    Papilio helenus (Red Helen) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Honshu (South of Miyagi prefecture), Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, Goto Islands, Yaku Island and Tanega Island.
    Is the largest butterfly in Japan.
    Found in woody and shady areas from flatlands to mountains.
    Have large yellow-white pattern on hind wings and Japanese name Monki-ageha literally meaning yellow pattern swallowtail comes from this color and patterns.
    Also have red spots at edges of hind wings and female ones are more distinct.
    Is active during daytime, fly in woods and feed on nectar of deutzia crenata, clerodendrum trichotomum and red spider lily.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of Japanese Prickly-ash.
    Male holds own flyway at streamsides.
    Female body is larger than male.

    Wingspan  about 110 to 140 mm
    Adult Flight Season  May to about September
  • Graphium sarpedon (Common Bluebottle) Papilionidae
    Graphium sarpedon (Common Bluebottle)
    Graphium sarpedon (Common Bluebottle) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Warm climate areas of Honshu (South of southern Tohoku region), Shikoku, Kyushu and Okinawa.
    Found in forests from flatlands to low elevations.
    Have very distinct light blue belt-like pattern on black wings with red or orange spots on back of wings that are not too appealing while flying.
    Found at parks in cities because caterpillars feed on leaves of camphor laurel often planted as street trees.
    Fly fast during daytime and feed on nectar of annual fleabane and cayratia japonica.
    Male suck water in summer and often seen in groups at watersides.

    Wingspan  about 50 to 60 mm
    Adult Flight Season  May to about October
  • Parnassius citrinarius (Glacial Apollo, Japanese Clouded Apollo) Papilionidae
    Parnassius citrinarius (Glacial Apollo, Japanese Clouded Apollo)
    Parnassius citrinarius (Glacial Apollo, Japanese Clouded Apollo) Papilionidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu and Shikoku.
    Found in forests, grasslands and farmland from flatlands to mountains.
    Japanese name with the word shirocho meaning pieridae but they are in papilionidae family not in pieridae family like small white.
    White colored wings have some transparent parts with distinct black wing veins that are unique and beautiful.
    Thorax and abdomen are covered with long yellow hairs.
    During the daytime, fly slowly in open grasslands and feed on nectar of welsh onion, Astragalus sinicus (Chinese milk vetch), annual fleabane and daikon.
    Appear for a short time annually from April to about May.
    Caterpillars feed on corydalis incisa and corydalis lineariloba.

    Wingspan  about 50 to 60 mm
    Adult Flight Season  April to about May
  • Pieris melete Pieridae
    Pieris melete
    Pieris melete Pieridae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Yaku Island and Tanega Island.
    Found in various kinds of places including green spaces and streamsides in forests from flatlands to mountains, in cities, parks and farmland.
    Wing color is white on the front and white to light yellow-white on the back.
    Similar to small white, but this species can be distinguished by the distinct black lines along wing veins, hence its Japanese name Sujiguro-Shirocho literally meaning black line white butterfly.
    During daytime, fly over grasslands or riversides and feed on nectar of dandelion and boneset.
    Is seen from cherry blossoms season.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves in brassicaceae family including variableleaf yellowcress.

    ●Wingspan  about 50 to 60 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about October
  • Pieris rapae (Small White) Pieridae
    Pieris rapae (Small White)
    Pieris rapae (Small White) Pieridae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa and islands including Yaku Island and Ishigaki Island.
    Found in sunny forests and grasslands from flatlands to low elevations.
    Are well known for the caterpillars feed on leaves of cabbages and often seen around farmland, riverbeds and even at parks in cities.
    Main foods for adults are nectar of annual fleabane and dandelion.
    Fly over farmlands or open green spaces for nectar of flowers.
    Wing color is white on the front with distinct black spots in the middle of fore wings.
    Is yellow on the back but female has deeper color than male.
    Is seen from early spring to late autumn.

    ●Wingspan  about 45 to 50 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Colias erate (Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow) Pieridae
    Colias erate (Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow)
    Colias erate (Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow) Pieridae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa and islands including Yaku Island and Ishigaki Island.
    Found in grasslands from flatlands to low elevations.
    Have wide range of habitat including city centers, parks and rivers in Tokyo.
    Wing color is yellow with black spots in the center as the Japanese name Monki-cho literally meaning spotted yellow butterfly states.
    Female body colors are in two types, yellow and white.
    During daytime, fly closer to the ground over open green spaces and rivers in flatlands and feed on nectar of Philadelphia fleabane, annual fleabane and dandelion.
    Only male sucks water.
    Caterpillars feed on plants of fabaceae family including red clover and white clover.
    Is seen for long time from early spring to late autumn.

    ●Wingspan  about 40 to 50 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about November
  • Anthocharis scolymus Pieridae
    Anthocharis scolymus
    Anthocharis scolymus Pieridae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Sado Island and Nansei Islands.
    Found in forests, grasslands and riverbeds from flatlands to low elevations.
    Wing color is white with black spots on the front and tip of fore wings are yellow and pointed, hence Japanese name Tsumaki-cho literally meaning corner pointed yellow butterfly.
    This yellow edge only applies for male and female does not.
    Have irregular green patterns on the back of wings resembling dead leaves.
    Flying style is unique and fly straight over grasslands and riverbeds and feed on nectar of dandelion and corydalis incisa.
    Caterpillars feed on brassicaceae including variableleaf yellowcress and shepherd's purse.
    Is only seen during spring season.

    ●Wingspan  about 45 to 50 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about May
  • Vanessa indica(Indian Red Admiral) Nymphalidae
    Vanessa indica(Indian Red Admiral)
    Vanessa indica(Indian Red Admiral) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Often found in various kinds of places from flatlands to mountains including coastlines, grasslands in high elevations, residential areas and cities.
    Fore wings are strong reddish orange as the Japanese name Aka-tateha literally meaning red-nymphalidae states, with black tips with white spots.
    Hind wings are deep brown with orange edges on the bottom.
    Back of fore wings is quite similar to the front but some have blue spots with spider web-like complicated patterns.
    Adults fly to flowers of cirsium family and clethra barbinervis for nectar, trees for sap and rotten fruits.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in urticaceae family including ramie and boehmeria japonica, and ulmaceae family including Japanese zelkova.

    ●Wingspan  about 55 to 60 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady) Nymphalidae
    Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady)
    Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: All over Japan, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Found in sunny grasslands from flatlands to mountains at wide range of areas such as open fields, parks, from cities to suburban areas, in farmlands and riversides.
    Similar to vanessa indica found in Mt. Takao, but the color of this species is less reddish on the hind wings.
    Back of wings is also similar to vanessa indica but this species have more white parts and look rather white.
    During the daytime, fly fast over grasslands and gather at flowers of dandelion, cirsium and cosmea for nectar.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of mugwort and edible burdock.
    Sometimes are heavily infested at edible burdock farms and cause damage.

    ●Wingspan  about 40 to 50 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about November
  • Polygonia c-aureum(Comma Butterfly) Nymphalidae
    Polygonia c-aureum(Comma Butterfly)
    Polygonia c-aureum(Comma Butterfly) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu and Shikoku.
    Found in grasslands and riverbeds from flatlands to low elevations, prefer sunny environment and also often found in residential areas and parks.
    The front side of wings are orangey red-brown with many black spots and small blue spots at the bottom.
    Female is lighter red-brown.
    Back of wings has black lines along wing veins and white to brown shaded wavy patterns resembling dead leaves.
    During daytime, fly closer to the ground in grasslands and feed on nectar of annual fleabane.
    Also gather around tree sap and rotten fruits.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in cannabaceae family including Japanese hop, cannabis and Humulus lupulus var. cordifolius.

    ●Wingspan  about 50 to 60 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Nymphalis anthomelas (Scarce Tortoiseshell) Nymphalidae
    Nymphalis anthomelas (Scarce Tortoiseshell)
    Nymphalis anthomelas (Scarce Tortoiseshell) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
    Found in forests and woods from low elevations to mountains.
    Japanese name Hiodoshi-cho literally meaning scarlet threaded suit of armor was named because the body color is scarlet which remind people of scarlet threaded suit of armor.
    Wing color is orange with many big black spots in the center and black edges with blue spots.
    Back of wings have bark-like patterns, thus it is hard to recognize when they rest on tree.
    Spend winter after emerged to adults and are seen from early spring around flowers of cerasus ×yedoensis A.V.Vassil.
    ‘Somei-yoshino’ and Japanese apricot.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in ulmaceae family including Chinese Hackberry and Salicaceae family.

    ●Wingspan  about 60 to 71 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Kaniska canace (Blue Admiral) Nymphalidae
    Kaniska canace (Blue Admiral)
    Kaniska canace (Blue Admiral) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Found in sunny woods from flatlands to mountains.
    Have lazuline colored belt-like pattern runs halfway around the wings.
    Tips of fore wings are wide and extended and female have more rounded edges.
    Back of wings is dark brown and resembles bark or dead leaves color.
    Spend winter after emerged to adults and are seen from early spring and gather around tree sap and rotten fruits.
    Hardly fly to flowers.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in liliaceae family including China root, catbrier, tiger lily, lilium speciosum, smilax sieboldii and tricyrtis affinis.

    ●Wingspan  about 50 to 65 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Araschnia burejana Nymphalidae
    Araschnia burejana
    Araschnia burejana Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okushiri Island and Sado Island.
    Found in forests and grasslands from flatlands to mountains.
    Also found at streamsides and mountain trails.
    Japanese name Saka-hachi-cho literally meaning number eight in Chinese character placed upside-down butterfly was named because white patterns on wings resemble Chinese characters of number eight placed upside-down.
    Wing color differs by season they emerge.
    Ones in spring are dark brown with irregular orange patterns and white belt-like pattern is less distinct.
    Ones in summer are black color and white belt-like pattern is distinct along with orange lines.
    During the daytime, fly closer to the ground and feed on nectar of plants in apiaceae family.
    Also fly to dungs of animals and suck water.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in urticaceae family.

    ●Wingspan  about 35 to 45 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about October
  • Sasakia charonda (Great Purple Emperor) Nymphalidae
    Sasakia charonda (Great Purple Emperor)
    Sasakia charonda (Great Purple Emperor) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Sado Island.
    Found in woods or beechwood forests from lowlands to low elevations.
    Is the largest species in nymphalidae family in Honshu and is a national butterfly of Japan.
    Is known as a beautiful butterfly and wings of male are black-brown with white and yellow spots and the base of wings are bluish purple color, hence the Japanese name Oo-murasaki literally meaning big purple.
    Female is brown. Flies fast and feed on sap from sawtooth oak and quercus serrata and juice from rotten fruits.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of Chinese hackberry and celtis jessoensis.
    Male shows strong territorial habit and fly over trees and even chase birds such as sparrows.

    ●Wingspan  about 75 to 110 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  June to about August
  • Hestina persimilis japonica (Siren) Nymphalidae
    Hestina persimilis japonica (Siren)
    Hestina persimilis japonica (Siren) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Some parts of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Sado Island and Tsushima.
    Found in woods and green spaces from flatlands to low elevations, and also at parks and farmland in cities.
    The front of wings is black with many irregularly placed white spots.
    Has similar patterns on the back but color is rather brown.
    Face feature is unique, compound eyes that comprise of numbers of ommatidia and colored orange.
    Mouth is bright yellow and very appealing.
    During the daytime, flies over woods and surrounding areas.
    Fly to rotten fruits and often suck water on the ground.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of Chinese hackberry and celtis jessoensis.
    Lately, a foreign specie, hestina assimilis with red spots on hind wings is seen in many places that is supposed to be seen only in Amami Island.
    It is considered that this is man-caused and become an issue in Japan.

    ●Wingspan  about 60 to 80 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  May to about September
  • Dichorragia nesimachus (Asian Constable Butterfly) Nymphalidae
    Dichorragia nesimachus (Asian Constable Butterfly)
    Dichorragia nesimachus (Asian Constable Butterfly) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, Sado Island, Tsushima and Nansei Islands.
    Found in sunny woods and mountain trails from flatlands to low elevations.
    The patterns on wings are like marbling with Indian ink, hence the Japanese name Suminagashi literally meaning marbling with Indian ink.
    Wing colors on the front is light Indian ink with shiny blue-green that is unique color and patterns.
    And wing colors on the back is dark brown with distinct white patterns.
    Proboscis is red this is also unique feature of this species.
    During daytime, fly fast and gathers around sap of sawtooth oak, rotten fruits and dungs of animals.
    Also suck water on the ground.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of meliosma myrianth.
    Male shows territorial habit at mountain peak of open spaces in forests.

    ●Wingspan  about 55 to 65 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  May to about August
  • Argynnis paphia (Silver-washed Fritillary) Nymphalidae
    Argynnis paphia (Silver-washed Fritillary)
    Argynnis paphia (Silver-washed Fritillary) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku an, Kyushu.
    Found in woods and mountain trails from flatlands to mountains.
    Adults emerge (the last step to become an adult) in early summer, go dormant in summer time and become active in autumn.
    Wing color is dark orange with many black spots creating leopard-like patterns.
    Male has four thick black lines in the center of fore wings that can be distinguished from female.
    The back of hind wings is slightly green, hence the Japanese name Midori-hyo-mon literally meaning green leopard-like patterns.
    Resemble the anadyomene fritillary but this species has white lines on the back of hind wings.
    Main food for adults is nectar of boneset.
    Fly fast from flowers to flowers in forests.
    Male sucks water.
    Caterpillars feed on plants in violaceae.

    ●Wingspan  about 65 to 70 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  June to about September
  • Argyreus hyperbius(Indian Fritillary) Nymphalidae
    Argyreus hyperbius(Indian Fritillary)
    Argyreus hyperbius(Indian Fritillary) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Honshu (West of Kanto region), Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Found in southern areas as seen from main regions.
    Found in grasslands and green spaces from flatlands to low elevations, and also at parks and farmlands.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of pansy, thus it is often seen in cities.
    Japanese name Tsuma-guro -hyo-mon literally meaning corner pointed black leopard-like patterns was named because tips of fore wings are black that is unique to female and male have leopard-like patterns on entire body.
    Have black edges at the bottom of hind wings that can be distinguished from other butterflies in argynnini tribe.
    Have light brown body color with yellow-brown leopard-like patterns on the back of wings.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in violaceae family.

    ●Wingspan  about 60 to 70 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  June to about October
  • Libythea lepita (Nettle-tree Butterfly) Nymphalidae
    Libythea lepita (Nettle-tree Butterfly)
    Libythea lepita (Nettle-tree Butterfly) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Some parts of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Found in woods with Chinese hackberry that caterpillar feed on, rivers and valleys in forests from flatlands to mountains.
    The protrusion at the tip of head resemble the nose of long nosed goblin, hence the Japanese name Tengu-cho literally meaning long nosed goblin butterfly.
    Shapes of wings are unique with the extended tips of fore wings.
    Wing colors on the front is black-brown with irregularly placed orange spots.
    The back of wings is brown but more reddish for female.
    The entire wing colors is like dead leaves, thus it is hard to recognize when resting on branch with wings closed.
    Feed on nectar and sap of various flowers and trees.
    Fly to these flowers and trees during daytime.

    ●Wingspan  40 to 50 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to November
  • Parantica sita (Chestnut Tiger) Nymphalidae
    Parantica sita (Chestnut Tiger)
    Parantica sita (Chestnut Tiger) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Found in forests and grasslands from flatlands to mountains.
    Fore wings is black and hind wings is red-brown, and both with light blue patterns.
    Japanese name Asagi-cho literally meaning light blue-green butterfly came from this light blue-green that is used to be called as Asagi color.
    Caterpillars feed on toxic plants like marsdenia tomentosa to intake the toxicity.
    Adults are also toxic and not attacked by enemies.
    Fly elegantly during daytime to plants in cirsium family and boneset for nectar.
    It is confirmed that they also fly long distance for hundreds of kilometers.
    In summer, fly north to lay eggs in forests in mountains.
    And in autumn, emerged adults come down to south.

    ●Wingspan  about 100 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  Apil to about October
  • Lethe diana(Diana Treebrown) Nymphalidae
    Lethe diana(Diana Treebrown)
    Lethe diana(Diana Treebrown) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and islands including Tsushima.
    Found in shady woods from flatlands to mountains.
    Is often found on mountain trails in Mt. Takao.
    Fore wings are black-brown, shaded from light to dark and some have white belt-like patterns.
    These patterns are more distinct on female.
    Hind wings are black-brown with eyespots on the back.
    Have one or two small eyespots on fore wings and six various sized ones on hind wings.
    Feed on tree sap of quercus acutissima and quercus serrata and fly during daytime.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in Bambusoideae family including sasa veitchii and pleioblastus chino var. viridis.

    Wingspan  about 45 to 55 mm
    Adult Flight Season  May to about September
  • Neope goschkevitschii (Goschkevitschi’s Labyrinth) Nymphalidae
    Neope goschkevitschii (Goschkevitschi’s Labyrinth)
    Neope goschkevitschii (Goschkevitschi’s Labyrinth) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
    Found in woods from flatlands to low elevations and also at parks and residential areas in cities.
    Wing color on the front is brown with yellow lines along wing veins and yellow round-shaped patterns outside of these lines.
    The back of wings is yellow-white to yellow-brown with brown wavy patterns and various sized eyespots.
    Prefer shady areas than open bright spaces.
    Fly in woods and bamboo bushes.
    Become more active after sunset than daytime and fly to quercus acutissima and quercus serrata for sap.
    Also feed on dungs of animals and fruits, not nectar.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of sasa veitchii and Japanese timber bamboo.

    ●Wingspan  about 55 to 63 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  May to about August
  • Mycalesis francisca (The Lillacine Bushbrown) Nymphalidae
    Mycalesis francisca (The Lillacine Bushbrown)
    Mycalesis francisca (The Lillacine Bushbrown) Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
    Found in shady forests and bushes from flatlands to low elevations.
    Wing color on the front is black-brown to light gray-brown and on the back is lighter color on edges outside of purplish belt-like patterns.
    Eyespots on the front are two to three on fore wings and some have them on hind wings, and on the back are three on fore wings and six to seven on hind wings.
    Are active during daytime and fly around trees, plants and flowers.
    Feed on sap of quercus acutissima and quercus serrata and also dungs of animals and hardly on nectar of flowers.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in poaceae family including oplismenus undulatifolius, Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) and miscanthus sinensis.

    ●Wingspan  about 40 to 50 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about October
  • Ypthima argus Nymphalidae
    Ypthima argus
    Ypthima argus Nymphalidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Yaku Island and Tanega Island.
    Found in various kinds of places including woods, and surrounding farmlands, rivers, swamps and bushes from flatlands to low elevations.
    Have large eyespots, one on fore wings and two on hind wings.
    Similar species, the Japanese rings only have one eyespot on each hind wings, thus it is easy to distinguish them from this species.
    Both species have fine ripples-like patterns with eyespots.
    Active during daytime, rest on leaves in bushes and fly around.
    Adults feed on nectar of flowers including ixeris dentata and creeping woodsorrel.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in poaceae family including oplismenus undulatifolius and miscanthus sinensis.

    ●Wingspan  about 33 to 40 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about September
  • Celastrina argiolus (Holly Blue) Lycaenidae
    Celastrina argiolus (Holly Blue)
    Celastrina argiolus (Holly Blue) Lycaenidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tanega Island, Yaku Island and Amami Island.
    Found in woods, green spaces and rivers from flatlands to mountains.
    Adult flight season is long from early spring to late autumn and often seen at parks and farmlands in cities.
    Wing color of male is light purple-blue to blue, lazuline color, hence the Japanese name Ruri-Shijimi literally meaning lazuline lycaenidae.
    Female has less blue parts with wider black edges on the front.
    And on the back, both male and female is light gray colored with black spots.
    Adults are active in woods and grasslands during daytime and feed on nectar of Japanese wisteria and Japanese clover.
    Caterpillars feed on flowers and flower buds of plants in fabaceae, cornaceae, Fagaceae and Rutaceae family.

    ●Wingspan  about 22 to 25 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Curetis acuta (Angeled Sunbeam) Lycaenidae
    Curetis acuta (Angeled Sunbeam)
    Curetis acuta (Angeled Sunbeam) Lycaenidae
    Main Region: Honshu (South of southern Tohoku region), Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Found in woods and green spaces from flatlands to low elevations.
    Wing color is dark brown both for male and female.
    Male have orange center and female have white to gray spots.
    The back of wings are silver-white, hence the Japanese name Uragin-shijimi silver on the back lycaenidae.
    This species have angulated tips of fore wings that is unique to this species.
    Adults emerged in autumn have sharper tips than ones in spring.
    Fly in forests and over grasslands and feed on nectar and sap.
    Found even in paved roads in Mt. Takao.
    Caterpillars feed on flowers and flower buds of plants including Japanese wisteria and kudzu.

    ●Wingspan  about 36 to 40 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Callophrys ferrea (Tailless Hairstreak) Lycaenidae
    Callophrys ferrea (Tailless Hairstreak)
    Callophrys ferrea (Tailless Hairstreak) Lycaenidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
    Found in woods on hills and open spaces in mountains and appear as spring comes.
    Wing color on female is light metallic blue and male is black-brown with blue in the center.
    The back of wings is dark brown with white wave-like patterns and gray small spots on hind wings.
    The entire body is covered with hair.
    Fly fast and is active from the morning.
    Feed on flowers of azalea and pieris japonica subsp. japonica.
    Caterpillars feed on flowers and leaves of plants in ericaceae family.

    ●Wingspan  about 25 to 29 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about May
  • Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper) Lycaenidae
    Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper)
    Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper) Lycaenidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okushiri Island, Rishiri Island, Tanega Island and Yaku Island.
    Found in grasslands and small grass fields from flatlands to mountains.
    Wing color on the front of fore wings is orange with brown edges and black spots inside of these edges.
    Some look black-brown without this red-brown color.
    The back of fore wings is widely red-brown and hind wings is darker red-brown belt-like patterns on edges.
    Fly closer to the ground and feed on nectar of flowers including annual fleabane.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of common sorrel and rumex japonicus.

    ●Wingspan  about 27 to 35 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about November
  • Parnara guttata (Straight Swift) Hesperiidae
    Parnara guttata (Straight Swift)
    Parnara guttata (Straight Swift) Hesperiidae
    Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Nansei Islands.
    Found in forests and grasslands from flatlands to low elevations, and also at parks in cities.
    With the body color, this species is often considered as moths.
    (In reality, there is no clear distinction from butterflies and moths.)
    Wing color on the front is brown and hind wings have distinct white dots creating one line, hence the Japanese name Ichimonji-seseri one straight line hesperiidae.
    Is active during daytime and feed on nectar of flowers, and also on rotten fruits and dungs of animals.
    Caterpillars feed on rice and green bristlegrass.
    Tends to gather in groups, thus groups with large numbers of this species are seen sometimes.

    ●Wingspan  about 35 to 40 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  May to about November
  • Erynnis montanus (Spring Flat) Hesperiidae
    Erynnis montanus (Spring Flat)
    Erynnis montanus (Spring Flat) Hesperiidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
    Found in sunny deciduous broad-leaved forests and open woods from flatlands to mountains.
    Wing color is brown with complicated wavy patterns on fore wings that these patterns on male are purple-gray and on female are bright white belt-like patterns.
    Both sides of hind wings have yellow spots.
    Fly in forests during daytime and feed on flowers of azalea and dandelions.
    Often rest on ground with wings opened for sun.
    Adults flight season is short, from March to about April.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of quercus acutissima, quercus serrata and daimyo oak.

    ●Wingspan  about 36 to 40 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  March to about April
  • Antheraea yamamai (Japanese Oak Silkmoth) Saturniidae
    Antheraea yamamai (Japanese Oak Silkmoth)
    Antheraea yamamai (Japanese Oak Silkmoth) Saturniidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima and Yaku Island.
    Found in woods and forests from flatlands to mountains.
    The large species become up to 15 cm and it is the largest species in moths.
    Are often found in mountains and used to reel silk off from cocoons of this species, hence the Japanese name Yama-mayu literally meaning mountain cocoons.
    Wings are red-brown to ocher depends on individual species with long dark brown line along the edges.
    Have eyespots in the center of wings.
    Antennae differ from male and female, male is feathery and female is comb-like shaped.
    Are active at night and often attracted to lights.
    Adults do not feed on anything and live on nutrients reserved as caterpillars.
    Caterpillars feed on quercus acutissima and quercus serrata.
    Color of cocoons is similar to silkworm but this species are light green.

    ●Wingspan  about 110 to 150 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  August to about September
  • Saturnia jonasii Saturniidae
    Saturnia jonasii
    Saturnia jonasii Saturniidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima and Yaku Island.
    Found in forests and woods from flatlands to mountains.
    Japanese name Hime-yamma-mayu literally meaning small Japanese oak silkmoth came from its body size smaller than Japaanese oak silkmoth.
    Wing colors are smoky green and front part of fore wings is white.
    Edges of wings are brown and each wing has large eyespots in the center.
    Some species have red-brown edges and yellow-brown wing colors.
    Are seen from later season than Japanese oak silkmoth and active at night.
    Adults do not feed on anything like other species in saturniidae family.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of quercus acutissima, deutzia crenata and Japanese zelkova.

    ●Wingspan  about 85 to 105 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  September to about November
  • Saturnia japonica Saturniidae
    Saturnia japonica
    Saturnia japonica Saturniidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima and Yaku Island. Found in forests and woods from flatlands to mountains. Japanese name is Kusu-san literally meaning silkworm on camphor laurel. Body color varies to individuals among the same species from yellow-brown, red-brown to orange. Hind wings have distinct eyespots in the center and the ones on fore wings are not as distinct but have patterns resembling side face of lizard. Are attracted to lights at night with Japanese oak silkmoth and rest under the eaves nearby. Caterpillars are green with white long hair and are also known as Shiraga-taro literally meaning white haired boy. Feed on camphor laurel, Japanese zelkova and ginkgo. Cocoons are like mesh with and also called as Sukashi-tawara literally meaning sheer rice straw bag and the empty ones are often found in grasslands near forest trails.

    ●Wingspan  about 100 to 120 mm
    ●Adults Flight Season August to about October
  • Actias artemis Saturniidae
    Actias artemis
    Actias artemis Saturniidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima and Yaku Island.
    Found in forests and plateaus from flatlands to mountains.
    Wing colors is blue-white to light green with front part of fore wing edges are red.
    Have small eyespots on both fore and hind wings.
    Antennae are feathery for male and comb-like shaped for female.
    Tails are longer for male than female.
    Adults flight season are twice per year, early summer and mid summer from July to August.
    Are often attracted to lights.
    Mouthparts of adults are degenerated in the imago and do not eat anything and only live on nutrients reserved as caterpillars.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of trees including quercus serrata, ume (Japanese apricot), apricot, fig, pear and apple.

    ●Wingspan  about 80 to 120 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  April to about May, July to about August
  • Catocala nivea Noctuidae
    Catocala nivea
    Catocala nivea Noctuidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
    Found in forests and green spaces from low elevations to mountains.
    Fore wings is gray-brown with shaded patterns resembling barks and hind wings is white with two black belt-like patterns.
    Hind wings are hidden behind fore wings and fore wings mimic barks so it is difficult to find when resting on barks.
    When receiving any stimulus from something, open fore wings to show hind wings that are said to threat enemies.
    During daytime, are often rest on trunks and branches of trees.
    Become active at night and fly to various trees for sap.
    Caterpillars feed on leaves of plants in rosaceae family including Japanese bird cherry.

    ●Wingspan  about 80 to 95 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  July to about October
  • Epicopeia hainesii Epicopeiidae
    Epicopeia hainesii
    Epicopeia hainesii Epicopeiidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Tsushima.
    Found in forests and grasslands from flatlands to mountains.
    Are parts of moth family but body mimic Chinese windmill that is toxic by eating poisonous plants, hence the Japanese name Ageha-modoki literally meaning swallowtail mimic.
    Wing veins are distinctive black and gray-black wings are almost like Chinese windmill with big long tails but red spots on edges of hind wings are brighter and body size is a lot smaller.
    Are active from late afternoon and attracted to lights but found on leaves even during daytime.
    Fly by flattering wings to fields and woods for nectar.
    The body of caterpillars are covered with white cotton-like covering and feed on leaves of kouza dogwood and giant dogwood.

    ●Wingspan  about 55 to 60 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  May to about August
  • Cicindela chinensis(Tiger Beetle) Cicindelidae
    Cicindela chinensis(Tiger Beetle)
    Cicindela chinensis(Tiger Beetle) Cicindelidae
    Main Region: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima and Yaku Island.
    Found in sunny woods and forest trails along streams from flatlands to mountains.
    Body color is metallic shiny blue-green with bright red and are known as beautiful insects like jewel beetles.
    Have large compound eyes with large mandibles.
    Feed on insects.
    Aim at insects and catch immediately are just like cats, hence the Japanese name han-myo literally meaning spots-cats.
    When human being approaches and they fly to a couple of meters ahead, this behavior is repeated and like guiding human beings, hence they are also called michi-oshie literally meaning guiding ways.
    Larvae create holes on ground and catch insects like ants that approaches to these holes.

    ●Length  about 18 to 20 mm
    ●Adults Flight Season  April to about September
  • Damaster blaptoides Carabidae
    Damaster blaptoides
    Damaster blaptoides Carabidae
    Main Region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Goto Islands, Yaku Island and Tanega Island. Found in forests from flatlands to mountains and wet grasslands. Is a part of carabidae family and inhabits only in Japan. Both adults and larvae feed on snails and sticking the head in snail's shells when they eat, hence the Japanese name Maimai-kaburi literally meaning wearing snails. Cannot fly as their wings are deteriorated and do not travel long distance, thus their body color and body shape varies by their living area. Normally categorized to various subspecies by habitat. The ones seen in Mt. Takao are the subspecies called D.b.oxuroides Schaum and have bluish black body color.

    ●Length  about 36 to 41 mm(Carabus blaptoides oxuroides)
    ●Adults Flights Season  April to about October
  • Carabus insulicola Carabidae
    Carabus insulicola
    Carabus insulicola Carabidae
    Main Region: Honshu (North of Chubu area).
    Found in woods and green space from flatlands to mountains.
    This species of carabidae family are most frequently seen in Kanto region.
    Body color is beautiful metallic green and some species are red-copper color.
    Have some fine stripes on fore wings.
    Cannot fly with deteriorated hind wings just like other species in carabidae family.
    Does not prefer sunny places and mostly stay under fallen leaves, in soils and under fallen woods.
    Active at night, walk around and feed on larvae of earthworms and moths and woodlouse.
    Also often gather around dead small animals.
    Larvae are also predatory and feed on small insects.

    ●Length  about 25 to 30 mm
    ●Adults Flight Season  April to about October
  • Carabus albrechti esakianus Carabidae
    Carabus albrechti esakianus
    Carabus albrechti esakianus Carabidae
    Are subspecies of carabus albrechti Morawitz found from Hokkaido to middle of Honshu and distributed from Kanto region to Niigata prefecture. They are same species but categorized as different group by region. The species in carabidae family are often seen around Tokyo area like carabus insulicola. Found in woods and surrounding green spaces from flatlands to mountains. Body color is metallic shine red-copper but some species are without shines. Fore sings have fine stripes and cannot fly with deteriorated hind wings. During daytime, hide under woods and fallen leaves or are active in shady area. Become active at night, walk around and feed on small insects, woodlouse and earthworm.

    ●Length  about 20 to 23 mm
    ●Adults Flight Season  April to about October
  • Macrodorcus rectus Lucanidae
    Macrodorcus rectus
    Macrodorcus rectus Lucanidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Izu Islands, Sado Island, Tsushima and Yaku Island.
    Found in mountainous forests or woodlands.
    Often seen in Takao from early summer to autumn.
    Has small body but some big adults have outstanding mandibles.
    Are less active during daytime and likely to hide in hollow of trees or space at tree base and become more active after sunset.
    Fly to quercus serrata or quercus acutissima for sap.
    Able to hide and suck sap in hollow space under the bark of tree where large lucanidae cannot go into.

    ●Length (including mandible)   about 20 to 55 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  June to about September
  • Dorcus striatipennis Lucanidae
    Dorcus striatipennis
    Dorcus striatipennis Lucanidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
    Found in forests and woodlands from low to high elevations.
    Japanese name Sujikuwagata literally meaning stripes lucanidae and small male and female have stripes patterns on upper wing like wood grains.
    Large ones does not have these linear patterns and similar to male dorcus rectus.
    Only difference is protrusions inside of mandibles, triangle for dorcus rectus and square for dorcus striatipennis.
    Main foods are sap from quercus acutissima, quercus serrata and basket willow.
    Often gather to lights.
    Larva grows inside of decaying logs of quercus acutissima and quercus serrata.

    ●Length  about 15 to 30 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  June to about September
  • Prosopocoilus inclinatus Lucanidae
    Prosopocoilus inclinatus
    Prosopocoilus inclinatus Lucanidae
    Main region: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Sado Island, Tsushima and Yaku Island.
    Found in woodland in low elevation.
    Are very popular among children and have dark brow to red brown body with elongated curved mandibles.
    Sometimes small males only have small mandibles.
    Rest on the upper part of trees during the daytime but become active at night and fly to quercus acutissimam, basket willow and quercus serrata for sap, their main food.
    Most of them die after summer like lucanidae but some do make it through the winter.

    ●Length  about 25 to 75 mm
    ●Adult Flight Season  June to about August
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