Treasures of Mt. Takao


Takao 599 museum has all kinds of animals inhabit in Mt. Takao in various ways of exhibitions such as seasonal wild plants preserved in acrylic and all kinds of animals specimens inhibits in Mt. Takao. On the "NATURE WALL," stuffed animals are displayed and shows the movie to introduce the dynamic nature of Mt. Takao.

  • Quercus serrata Fagaceae
    Quercus serrata
    Quercus serrata Fagaceae
    They are a deciduous tall tree that grows wild in the mountain areas. Cortex is greenish-tinged black color and smooth feeling to touch with lenticels in line vertically.
    When they grow older, many of them are split vertically shallow and rough feeling to touch. The trunk grows to be about 60 cm wide. They are often planted for garden trees and roadside trees as well as are utilized for material for building construction, for music device and musical instrument material, and raw wood to raise shiitake mushrooms. The leaves are long elliptically-shaped about 5 to 15 cm long with the sharp top and with sawtooth (Kyoshi: tooth-like rough part like a saw at the root of a leaf) at the edge. The leaves are hard feeling to touch and the back is tinged with white. The blossom seasons are around May and hermaphroditism plant (Shiyuudousyu). The spike of thin and long male flower about 2 to 6 cm long sprouts beside the branches that newly grow and extended the previous year dangles, while 3 to 4 of female flowers sprout beside the upper leaf of a new branch. The seeds, ‘acorn’ (Donguri), are egged-shaped about 2 cm long, get matured next autumn.

    ●Height about 15 to 20 m
    ●Place Trail 1 to 5, Mt.Inari
  • Quercus myrsinaefolia Fagaceae
    Quercus myrsinaefolia
    Quercus myrsinaefolia Fagaceae
    They are a deciduous tall tree that grows wild in the mountain areas. Cortex is greenish-tinged black color and smooth feeling to touch with lenticels in line vertically. When they grow older, many of them are split vertically shallow and rough feeling to touch. The trunk grows to be about 80 cm wide. They are often planted for garden trees and roadside trees as well as are utilized for material for building construction, for music device and musical instrument material, and raw wood to raise shiitake mushrooms. The leaves are long elliptically-shaped about 7 to 14 cm long with the sharp top and with sawtooth (Kyoshi: tooth-like rough part like a saw at the root of a leaf) at the edge. The leaves are hard feeling to touch and the back is tinged with white. The blossom seasons are around May and hermaphroditism plant (Shiyuudousyu). The spike of thin and long male flower about 5 to 12 cm long sprouts beside the branches that newly grow and extended the previous year dangles, while 3 to 4 of female flowers sprout beside the upper leaf of a new branch. The seeds, ‘acorn’ (Donguri), are egged-shaped about 1.5 cm long, get matured next autumn.

    ●Height about 15 to20 m
    ●Place Trail 1 to 3
  • Castanopsis sieboldii Fagaceae
    Castanopsis sieboldii
    Castanopsis sieboldii Fagaceae
    They are a evergreen tall tree that grows wild in the mountain areas, which is called ‘beech tree of genus Castanopsis‘ in general. Cortex is blackish brown color and is vertically split deeper. The trunk grows to be about 1 meter wide. They are often planted for garden trees and windbreak trees as well as are utilized for material for building construction, for furniture and appliance material, and raw wood to raise shiitake mushrooms. The leaves are wide elliptically-shaped about 6 to 15 cm long with a half of the edge bearing sawtooth (Kyoshi: tooth-like rough part like a saw at the root of a leaf) and with the back bearing finely minute trichome. The blossom seasons are about May to June and hermaphroditism plant (Shiyuudousyu). The spike of pale yellowish-tinged male flower about 8 to 12 cm long dangles from a new branch, while several of female flowers sprout beside the leaf at the upper part of the branch. When the flowers are in full bloom, young leaves in yellow color show up like growing thick and strong odor can be smelled. The seeds, ‘acorn’ (Donguri), are elliptically-shaped about 2 cm long, get matured next autumn, and then can be edible.

    ●Height about 20 to 30 m
    ●Place Trail 1 to 3
  • Euptelea polyandra Eupteleaceae
    Euptelea polyandra
    Euptelea polyandra Eupteleaceae
    Deciduous small trees found in wet areas including streamside in mountains. Barks are bright brown and smooth. Trunk grows up to 30 cm. Wide and long lenticels (an opening that allows gases to be exchanged between air and the inner tissues of a plant) are distinct on young tree. It cracks to become net-like appearance for old trees. Is similar to cherry blossoms but they are not in the same group. Leaves are 6 to 12 cm long and round shaped with tips extended and whitish on the back. The blooming season is from March to April and bloom five to twelve dark red flowers at the tips of branches before leaves open. Have no petals or calyx and many stamens about 7 mm long are dropping and have pistils at the base. Fruits are odd-shaped and dropping on fruits stems. Turn yellow in autumn and seeds are flown by the wind.

    ●Height about 5 to 15 m
    ●Place Trail 4, Jyataki, Oku-Takao
  • Magnolia hypoleuca Magnoliaceae
    Magnolia hypoleuca
    Magnolia hypoleuca Magnoliaceae
    They are a deciduous tall tree that grows wild around hilly district to the mountain areas. Cortex is smooth feeling to touch and gray color with many small lenticels. The trunk grows to be about 1 m wide. The wood is so accurate that it is utilized to make for house furnishings and wooden clogs. The leaves are large, about 20 to 40 cm long, about 10 to 25 cm wide, long elliptically-shaped like an inverted egg, and thick and hard. The leaves are also called ‘Hooba’ (leaves used for ocal cuisines at Hida Takayama region, Gifu Prefecture) and people have used them to wrap the food and as dishes instead of plates since decades ago. The flowers are also large about 15 cm long, white flowers tinged with yellow blossom upwards at the limb in May to June. Their sweet smell is so strong that people around them can enjoy it. The seeds are aggregate fruit (Syugo-ka) which consists of many small seedlings, long elliptically-shaped, and about 10 to 15 cm long. When each of the seeds get matured, they are split to shoot 2 red seedlings.

    ●Height about 20 to 30 m
    ●Place Trail 4, Mt.Inari, Oku-Takao
  • Lindera praecox Lauraceae
    Lindera praecox
    Lindera praecox Lauraceae
    They are a deciduous small trees or shrubs that grow wild through mountains and fields. They grow like bushy and mostly we can see them auch a humid places as along the mountain strams. Cortex is tinged with gray-brown and small round lenticel show off. The characteristic o the tree is tough and strong, therefore, people used to utilize thie tree as a substitute for sticks and round or lattice-type snowshoes that are made of bamboo. A part of the name ‘Chan’ means ‘bituminous rock’ (Rekisei: substances such as natural tar) and entirely contains oils, so that in ancient times people use this oils extracted from the seeds and cortex for lighting. This is how they are named. The leaves are elliptically-shaped about 4 to 9 cm long, about 2 to 4 cm wide with the sharp topand the leafstalk is tinged with red. The blossom seasons are about March to April and a dioecious plant (Shiyuuisyu). They bear 3 to 5 f small yellow flowers on the branch that extended the previous year. Both a male flower and a female flower have 6 flower petals each, about 2 mm long. The seeds that are in a spherical shape about 1.5 cm in diameter get matured to yellowish brown in September to October.

    ●Height about 3 to 6 m
    ●Place Trail 1, Trail 3 to 6, Mt.Inari, Ura-Takao, Minami-Takao
  • Lindera obtusiloba Lauraceae
    Lindera obtusiloba
    Lindera obtusiloba Lauraceae
    They are deciduous small trees or shrubs that grow wild in the pool of grove of mixed trees at the mountain areas. Cortex is tinged with gray and has lots of round lenticel, and the trunk grows to be about 18 cm wide. Young trees have yellowish green soft dense trichome, but later this trichome disappears and instead, turns into cadet brownish yellow. The leaves are wide egged-shaped about 5 to 15 cm long. It is usual that the top is split into 3 like shallow mound, but that some are not. The leaves turn into vivid yellow in autumn. The blossom, seasons are about March to April, and a dioecious plant (Shiyuuisyu). Yellow flowers with good smell bloom on the tree that extended the previous year before the leaves are open. They are known as one of the flowers that blossom, early spring at Mt. Takao, and have another name according to the flower color; ‘Benzoin obtusilobum’, The seeds are a spherical shape about 8 mm in diameters, and at first they are red, but later get matured to black in September to October.

    ●Height about 2 to 6 m
    ●Place Trail 5,Ura-Takao, Oku-Takao, Minami-Takao
  • Hydrangea scandens Saxifragaceae
    Hydrangea scandens
    Hydrangea scandens Saxifragaceae
    Deciduous shrubs found on slopes and at forest edges on streamside. Grow by extending many branches. Barks are dark gray and smooth. Young branches are brown with hair but turns grayish-white on the following year. Flowers resemble hydrangea and trees resemble deutzia crenata, hence the Japanese name Gaku-utsugi literally meaning hydrangea deutzia crenata. Leaves are 4 to 7 cm long, elongated oval-shaped and opposite. Tips are pointed, texture is shiny and have toothed margins (edges of leaves are like a teeth of saw). Another name is kon-teri-gi literally meang dark blue shine tree was named because the plant looks dark blue and reflects metallic shine. The blooming season is from May to June. Bloom light yellow-green flowers on 7 to 10 cm long inflorescence grow from branches. 2.5 to 3 cm long and white (surround inflorescence have no stamen or pistills) surround this flower.

    ●Height about 1 to 1.5 m
    ●Place Trail 4, Trail 6
  • Deutzia scabra Saxifragaceae
    Deutzia scabra
    Deutzia scabra Saxifragaceae
    Deciduous shrubs found in sunny and dry slopes in mountains. Barks are grayish-brown and peel like strips of papers and have hollow inside the branch. Young branches are purplish brown with hair. Leaves are 4 to 7 cm long, egg-shaped and lower parts of leaves covering stems. Have hair on both sides with toothed margins (edges of leaves are like a teeth of saw). The Japanese name Maruba-utsugi was named because this plants have round-shaped leaves in Deutzia crenata (Utsugi). In autumn, leaves turn to purplish-brown. The blooming season is May. Bloom white flowers facing upward on cylindrical inflorescence (flower stems) grow from petioles. Flowers are 1.5 cm in diameter, star-shaped and five petals are with yellow flower disks (support petals). After flowering, bear hairy spherical fruits, 3 mm in diameter.

    ●Height about 1 to 1.5 m
    ●Place Trail 5 and 6
  • Hydrangea involucrata Saxifragaceae
    Hydrangea involucrata
    Hydrangea involucrata Saxifragaceae
    Deciduous shrubs found in wet streamside and forest edges in mountains. Grow by extending branches. Young branches have hairs densely placed. Leaves are 10 to 20 cm long, oval-shaped and opposite. Have pointed tip with toothed margins (edges of leaves are like a teeth of saw). Also have rough hairs on both sides and rough at a touch. The Japanese name Tama-ajisai literally meaning spherical hydrangea was named because spherical buds are striking. The blooming season is from April to September and start blooming after rainy season is over. Inflorescence (flower stems) are 3 cm in diameter spherical-shaped covered with flower disks. And then, this flower disks fell apart and bloom light bue small flowers and three to five white ornamental (surround inflorescence have no stamen or pistills). Fruits are 3.5 mm long egg-shaped with pistil remain at tips.

    ●Height about 1 to 2 m
    ●Place Trail 1 and 2,Trail 4 to 6,Ura-Takao, Oku-Takao, Minami-Takao
  • Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus Rosaceae
    Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus
    Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus Rosaceae
    Deciduous shrubs found in sunny bright forest edges in mountains of Eastern Japan. Barks of young tree are bright green and turns to brown for adults. Have spines on branches and petioles (leaf stems). Have many branches. The Japanese name Momiji-ichigo literally meaning maple strawberry was named because the leaves resemble maple leaves. Leaves are 7 to 15 cm long in diameter and pinnate in three to five like palms. Petioles are long and leaves alternate with toothed margins (edges of leaves are like a teeth of saw). Leaves turn yellow in autumn. The blooming season is from March to May and bloom one white dropping flower and 3 cm in diameter on the branch grew on the previous year. Five petals are wide oval-shaped. Calyx has sharp tip. Fruits are 1 to 1.5 cm diameter collective flowers and turn orange as they ripen from June to July and edible.

    ●Height about 1 to 2 m
    ●Place Trail 1, Trail 3 to 6, Mt.Inari, Minami-Takao
  • Caesalpinia decapetala var. japonica Leguminosae
    Caesalpinia decapetala var. japonica
    Caesalpinia decapetala var. japonica Leguminosae
    Deciduous woody vines (vines that sheds its leaves once in a year) found in forest edges at streamside in mountains. Branches grow like vines with many spines. Tangled branches resembling snakes, hence the Japanese name Jyaketsu-ibara literally meaning snake tied brambles. Oval-shaped leaflets (leaf-like parts of compound leaves) are in five to ten pairs and 20 to 40 cm long. The blooming season is from May to June, and has 20 to 30 cm long inflorescence on a branch and blooms many yellow flowers. Flowers are 3 cm in diameter and five petals. One petal is small with red spots. After flowering, bears 10 cm long, 3 cm width and shell-shaped. Turn brown as they ripen and crack in two and pop about 10 seeds. Seeds are about 1 cm oval-shaped and black.

    ●Height Vines
    ●Place Jyataki
  • Skimmia japonica Rutaceae
    Skimmia japonica
    Skimmia japonica Rutaceae
    Evergreen shrubs (less than 1 m tall tree with green leaves throughout a year) found in forests in mountains. In Mt. Takao, found in fir tree forests near mountain ridges. Grow in mountain and braches and leaves resemble skimmia, hence the Japanese name Miyama-sikimi literally meaning deep in the mountain skimmia. Leaves are 4 to 9 cm long, 3 to 5 cm width, oval shaped and mostly at the tips of stems. Texture is leathery with shiny surface and leaf glands (small glands to release secretion) are placed irregularly. The blooming season is March to May and have male and female flowers. Bloom 1 cm in diameter white flowers densely on inflorescence grows from petioles. After flowering, bear 5 to 8 mm spherical shaped fruits and have one seed inside. Turn shiny red as they ripen. The entire plant has poisonous ingredients called skimmianine and is contained in fruits the most. Cause cramps when eaten by mistake.

    ●Height about 1 to 1.5m
    ●Place Trail 1, Trail 3 and 4, Mt.Inari
  • Mallotus japonicus Euphorbiaceae
    Mallotus japonicus
    Mallotus japonicus Euphorbiaceae
    Deciduous shrubs found at roadside and forest edges in mountains. The Japanese name have rees found in sunny forest edges and deforested areas in mountains. Barks of young tree are grayish-brown with fine lines and it becomes net-like pattern for adults tree. Trunk grows up to about 50 cm thick. Leaves are 7 to 20 cm long and wide oval-shaped. Have long petioles and alternate. Young leaves have red hair densely placed and used to wrap foods like daimyo oak, hence the Japanese name Akame-gashiwa literally meaning red sprout daimyo oak. The blooming season is from June to July. Male flowers and female flowers are on the different stems with no petals. Male flowers are 7 to 20 cm long inflorescence (flowers on a stem) and bloom with yellow stamens. Female flowers have short inflorescence with red pistils. Fruits are 8 mm in diameter, oval-shaped and turn brown as they ripen from September to October.

    ●Height  about 5 to 15 m
    ●Place  Trail 1
  • Acer palmatum(Japanese maple) Aceraceae
    Acer palmatum(Japanese maple)
    Acer palmatum(Japanese maple) Aceraceae
    They are a deciduous tall tree that grows wild at the sunny slanting surfaces in the mountain area and at humid places along the mountain streams. They are also utilized for garden trees, park trees, and Bonsai, therefore, also called ‘Acer palmatum Thunberg’ or ‘Acer palmatum’. Cortex of young trees is tinged green and smooth feeling to touch, while adult trees turn into gray color and are split vertically. The trunk is about 60 cm wide. The leaves are split into 5 to 7 like our padded palm, and then people use the split portions to count. This is the reason for the name. Autumn leaves of Aceraceae plant vary like red, yellow, orange, and brown colors with much variation. Acer palmatum in the woods has the leaves with their tip red due to sunshine and yellow inside. The blossom seasons are about April to May. As they are monoecious trees, red flowers blossom at the top of the branch

    ●Height about 10 to 20 m
    ●Place Trail 1 to 4
  • Cercidiphyllum japonicum Cercidiphyllaceae
    Cercidiphyllum japonicum
    Cercidiphyllum japonicum Cercidiphyllaceae
    They are a deciduous tall tree that grows wild along the humid valley in the mountain area and smell sweet. Cortex of their young trees is tinged with reddish brown and smooth, while the one of their adult trees turn into dark gray-brown with the trunk being about 2 m wide. As for old trees, they are split shallow vertically and cortex is finely peeled off. The leaf is round heart-shaped about 3 to 8 cm long with a dull gyrose sawtooth at the edge (sawtooth: Kyoshi, serrated edges like a saw- serrated edges at the tip of a leaf) and with the back in white like being flour-coated. The blossom seasons are about March to May and a dioecious plant (Shiyuuisyu). The flower blossoms with no flower petals or sepals before the leaves sprout. A male flower has lots of male stamen tinged with red-purple about 4 mm long, while a female flower bears 3 to 4 of a female stamen tinged with pale showy pink. The seeds are shaped like a banana rolled backward about 1.5 cm long. They get matured into black-purple color in autumn.

    ●Height about 20 to 30 m
    ●Place Trail 1 to 4, Trail 6, Ura-Takao
  • Cleyera japonica Theaceae
    Cleyera japonica
    Cleyera japonica Theaceae
    They are an evergreen tree that grows wild in the mountain areas. Cortex is tinged with dark red-brown color and smooth feeling to touch with many small rounded lenticels. Th trunk grows to be about 30 centimeters long. New branches are green and winter buds sprouting from the limb are curved widely like a hook shape. The branches and leaves are utilized to produce a branch of the sacred tree (Tamagushi: one of ritual articles made of branch of a sacred tree (esp. sakaki) with paper or cotton strips attached), and therefore are indispensable trees to shrine rituals, which this is why they are frequently planted at Shinto shrines. The leaves are tall elliptically-shaped about 8 to 10 cm long, about 2 to 4 cm wide, thick and shiny. The blossom seasons are about June to July, when 1 to 3 of the flowers about 1.5 cm in diameter beside the leaf bloom downwards. They bear 5 flower petals, which are white color at first and then later, are tinged with yellow. The seeds are a spherical shape about 7 mm in diameter with male stamen’ styles remaining at the top. The seeds are green color at first and when they get matured in November and December, they are tinged with a black-purple.

    ●Height about 10 to 12 m
    ●Place Trail 1 to 3
  • Stachyurus praecox Stachyuraceae
    Stachyurus praecox
    Stachyurus praecox Stachyuraceae
    They are a deciduous shrub that grows wild in the forests in mountain areas. Cortex is tinged with dark brown and adult trees get shriveled vertically. The branches that extend are tinged with reddish green and slightly shiny. The leaves are egged-shaped about 6 to 12 cm long, about 3 to 6 cm wide with the sharp top as well as with a sawtooth (sawtooth: Kyoshi, serrated edges like a saw serrated edges at the tip of a leaf). The blossom seasons are about March to April and a dioecious plant (Shiyuuisyu). Before the leaves shoot, they sprout inflorescence (Kajo: stalk blooming flowers) about 4 to 10 cm to dangle white many hanging bell-shaped flowers about 8 mm long. Male flowers are inged with yellow, and female flowers are yellowish green. The seeds are elliptically-shaped spherical form tinged with indigo blue about 8 mm long. The seeds turn to green from yellow to get matured about in July to October. The reason for their name is that people use these seeds as a substitute for sumac gallnut (Fushi: gallnut of Japanese sumac) to make black colorant. This is why they are named ‘Stachyurus praecox’ (Kibushi).

    ●Height about 3 to 5 m
    ●Place Trail 1, Trail 5, Ura-Takao, Oku-Takao, Minami-Takao
  • Helwingia japonica Cornaceae
    Helwingia japonica
    Helwingia japonica Cornaceae
    They are a deciduous shrub that grows wild at such humid places as in the pool of the forests along the mountain streams in the mountain area. The trunk grows together in cluster and is branched so often. Cortex of the young trees is smooth feeling to touch and shiny green color, while once grown ole trees turn into dark bistered. The characteristic is a small flower bloom in the middle of the leaf and people have used this appearance to resemble the one of a raft that looks like a leaf with a flower on it. This is how they are named. The leaves are wide elliptically-shaped about 6 to 12 cm long with thin and long sawtooth (Kyoshi: tooth-like rough part like a saw at the root of a leaf) at the edge. The blossom seasons are about May to June and hermaphroditism plant (Shiyuudousyu). On the main vein of the surface of the leaf, 1 female flower and several of male flowers gather to sprout. The flowers are pale green, about 5 mm long in diameter. The seeds are a spherical shape about 0.7 to 1 cm in diameter, and get matured to black-purple in August to October. The seeds taste sweet and young leaves are edible as Tempura and boiled leaves dish (Ohitashi).

    ●Height about 1 to 3 m
    ●Place Trail 4, Trail 6, Ura-Takao
  • Callicarpa japonica Verbenaceae
    Callicarpa japonica
    Callicarpa japonica Verbenaceae
    They are a deciduous shrub that grows wild in the pool at the plain field and in the forests at the mountain areas. Cortex is tinged with pale gray and smooth feeling to touch, but the one of old trees are vertically split and peeled off. As they bear burnished purple beautiful seeds, they are planted as garden trees so often, which is the reason for their name. In some cases, there are different group of Callicarpa dichotoma (Lour.) K.Koch (Komurasaki) among the gardening trees that are distributed. The leaves are elliptically-shaped, about 6 to 13 cm long, with the sharp top, and have sparse SENTEN tinged with yellow with a sawtooth (sawtooth: Kyoshi, serrated edges like a saw serrated edges at the tip of a leaf). The blossom seasons are about June to August and from the side of the leaf does inflorescence (Kajo: stalk blooming flowers) sprout out with many pale purple flowers. The flowers are about 4 mm long in diameter, with the upper portion split into 4 to be open flat as well as 4 male stamen outshoot long. The seeds are a spherical shape about 3 to 4 mm in diameters, and get matured in autumn.

    ●Height about 2 to 3 m
    ●Place Mt.Inariy, Oku-Takao
  • Lonicer gracilipes var. glabra Caprifoliaceae
    Lonicer gracilipes var. glabra
    Lonicer gracilipes var. glabra Caprifoliaceae
    They are a deciduous shrub that grows wild in the pool and in the forests in the sunny forests at the mountain areas. Their branches often diverge to form dense beds. Cortex is tinged with blackish brown and the one of old trees is vertically split and peeled off, while young branch is tinged with a little bit red. The leaves are wide egged-shaped about 3 to 6 cm long, about 2 to 4 cm wide, and sprout sideways. The back of the leaves bear sparse trichome tinged with white color. The blossom seasons are about April to May. Inflorescence (Kajo: stalk blooming flowers) sprouts out, about 1 to 2 cm, on the branch that extend that year, and then dangle 1to 2 of pale showy pink flowers downwards. The flowers are thin, cylindrical shaped like a bugle, about 1 to 1.5 cm long with the top split into 5 to be open flat as well as male stamen outshoot long. The seeds are elliptically-shaped about 1 to 1.5 cm long, and get matured to red in June, sweet and edible.

    ●Height about 2 to 3 m
    ●Place Trail 1, Mt.Inari
  • Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum Caprifoliaceae
    Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum
    Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum Caprifoliaceae
    Deciduous small trees (less than 10 m tall tree that sheds its leaves once in a year) found in wet forest edges and waterside.Branches extend horizontally and young leaves are brown with hair. Barks are grayish-black, smooth and have irregularly placed lenticels (an opening that allows gases to be exchanged between air and the inner tissues of a plant). Leaves are 5 to 12 cm long and wide oval shape with pointed tip.Have hair on leaf veins on the back and toothed margins (edges of leaves are like a teeth of saw). Blooming season is from May to June, bloom 5 to 6 mm in diameter cream colored bisexual flowers (stamen and pistil coexist in one flower) surrounded by 3 to 4 cm in diameter white ornamental flowers (surround inflorescence have no stamen or pistils) on inflorescence (stem with flowers) grow from branches. This looks like thread ball, hence the Japanese name Yabu-demari literally means thread ball in shrubs. Fruits are 5 to 7 mm long and oval-shaped and after turning red from August to October, turn black as they ripen.

    ●Height  about 2 to 6m
    ●Place  Kita-Takao
  • Viburnum dilatatum Caprifoliaceae
    Viburnum dilatatum
    Viburnum dilatatum Caprifoliaceae
    Deciduous shrubs found in sunny forest edge in mountains. Barks are gray-brown and smooth. Have lenticels (an opening that allows gases to be exchanged between air and the inner tissues of a plant) and fine splits are created as it grows. The stems become up to about 4 cm in diameter. Leaves are 6 to 14 cm long, 3 to 13 cm width, round-shaped with sharp tip with toothed margins (edges of leaves are like a teeth of saw). Have hair on both sides and distinct leaf glands (small glands to release secretion). Blooming season is from May to June. Bloom small white flowers in 6 to 10 cm in diameter inflorescence (stem with flowers). Flowers are 5 to 8 mm in diameter, lobed in five and petals flat with long stamens protruded. Fruits are oval-shaped, about 6 mm long and turn red from September to November. In winter, turns powdery white, become sweet and edible

    ●Height  about 2 to 4 m
    ●Place  Trail 4, Mt. Inari, Oku-Takao
  • Phasianus soemmerringii (Copper Pheasant) Bamboo Partridge
    Phasianus soemmerringii (Copper Pheasant)
    Phasianus soemmerringii (Copper Pheasant) Selected
    This is in the phasianidae family only distributed in Japan. This species is larger than the Japanese pheasant and the tail of males is longer than the head and body length. Whereas the Japanese pheasant prefers sunny areas, this species prefers shady forests. The body color is brownish for both males and females that blends in the background and is not easy to find them. The voice is not too loud “coo coo coo coo”. They walk between trees and hunt for insects, earthworms, seeds of plants and trees and buds of trees. The breeding season is from April to June, males become more active and do drumming (make sound by fluttering wings and make “doo doo doo doo” sounds) to announce their territory. They build a nest in hollows of a tree by collecting fallen leaves and tree barks and lay seven to ten eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length (head to tail)  Male about 125 cm / Female about 55 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird: a bird that stays in the same area all year round)
  • Sphenurus sieboldii (Japanese Green Pigeon) Dove
    Sphenurus sieboldii (Japanese Green Pigeon)
    Sphenurus sieboldii (Japanese Green Pigeon) Selected
    They are beautiful birds with a yellow-green body with a light blue bill. Male and female have almost the same body color but the male has purple feathers on wings. They live in a group in broad-leaved forests with Quercus acutissima, maple trees, Quercus crispula blume and hardly ever come out to open spaces. They feed on nuts like acorns, buds and fruits of trees. From early summer to autumn, they fly out to the coast to drink seawater and to hot springs for salty water. During the breeding season, males chirp like “oh ah oh” with lonely tones. In June, they build a dish-shaped nest with twigs and vines on a tree and lay two eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 33 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird: a bird that stays in the same area all year round, and wandering bird: a bird that has different areas for breeding and spending winter)


  • Cuculus poliocephalus (Little Cuckoo) Common Cuckoo
    Cuculus poliocephalus (Little Cuckoo)
    Cuculus poliocephalus (Little Cuckoo) Selected
    Is the same family with cuckoo and found in bright forests in low elevations. Male warbles loudly “kyo kyo kyo” sounding like “tokkyo kyoka-kyoku” literally meaning patent approval office, which is a very famous tongue twister. It also sounded like “hototogisu”, hence the Japanese name Hototogisui was named.
    The back of adult birds is gray with black stripe patterns on chest. Male and female have same body color but some female are red-brown. Mainly feed on insects and hairy caterpillars and hornworms are favorites. Are brood parasites which means to lay eggs on other bird’s nest. Lay eggs often in bush warbler’s nest and the color of eggs are brown similar to the ones of bush warbler. The breeding season is from June to August. Take one egg out from the nest and lay one egg instead. In autumn, fly to Southeast Asia to spent winter.

    ●Body Length  about 28 cm
    ●Season  May to October (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn.)


  • Milvus migrans (Black Kite) Buzzard
    Milvus migrans (Black Kite)
    Milvus migrans (Black Kite) Selected
    Is in a accipitridae family found at lakes, riverbeds and cities. Chirp “peep hyo lo lo lo” while hovering in a round route. Also known as tombi in Japanese. Is normally in a group except breeding season and hunt for preys from early in the morning. Feed on dead animals, fish, insects and frogs and sometimes raid garbage. The body color for male and female is almost the same and adults have dark-brown body. When looking up the sky while they are flying, their trapezoidal-shaped tails are clearly seen. The breeding season is from March to May and mostly in pairs and chirp frequently. Build a large sized dish-shaped nest with layers of twigs on a tall tree. Lay two to three eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  Male about 58 cm / Female about 68 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round)
  • Accipiter gentilis (Goshawk) Buzzard
    Accipiter gentilis (Goshawk)
    Accipiter gentilis (Goshawk) Selected
    Found in forests from flatlands to mountains and also in cities. The body of adult birds is bluish gray and young birds are brown. Live alone except breeding season and hunt for pheasants, ducks, squirrels and wild rabbits. But feed on pigeons and crows in cities. The breeding season is from May to June. Build a large nest at the base of branches of large trees including pine trees and lay two to four eggs in a season. After egg hatches, male go hunting and give female preys by chirping “que que”. Re-use the same nest or use the same nest every two to three years.

    ●Size  male about 50 cm, female about 56 cm
    ●Season  January to December(resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round, and wandering bird, bird that have different areas for breeding and spending winter)
  • Strix uralensis (Ural Owl) Owl
    Strix uralensis (Ural Owl)
    Strix uralensis (Ural Owl) Selected
    Live in forests and woods near resident area and live in shrines and temples in forests. Body color is the same for male and female. Body color varies by habitat. Are mostly gray and brown but become white in northern area. Live alone or in pairs and rest in shady forests and become active in late afternoon. Feed on rats, birds, lizards, frogs and insects. Hunt for these preys without flattering wings. Male and female chirp “ho ho” during breeding season. Build a nest in a hollow of large tree, ceilings of residence or shrines. Lay two to three eggs in a season from March to April.

    ●Body Length  about 50 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round)


  • Ninox scutulata (Brown Hawk Owl) Owl
    Ninox scutulata (Brown Hawk Owl)
    Ninox scutulata (Brown Hawk Owl) Selected
    One of owls lives near residence area. Found on trees in cities, shrines and temples. The Japanese name Aobasuku literally meaning green leaves owls because they are seen from green season. The body color of male and female is almost the same, round-shaped head and dark brown face with gold eyes. Rest on trees during daytime and become active after chirping “hoot hoot” in pairs. Hunt for moths and gold beetles with foot and sometimes bats and small birds. The breeding season is from May to June, build a nest in tree hollows and spaces between buildings. Lay two to five eggs in a season. Female incubate eggs and male guard them. In autumn, fly to Southeast Asia to spend winter.

    ●Body Length  about 29 cm
    ●Season  May to October (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn.)


  • Dendrocopos kizuki (Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker) Woodpecker
    Dendrocopos kizuki (Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker)
    Dendrocopos kizuki (Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker) Selected
    The smallest woodpecker found in Japan. The body color of male and female is almost the same but male have small red patterns on the back of head. Live in forests in mountains but sometimes breed at parks in cities. Live alone normally but come to residential area with a group of Japanese tit. Fly from trees to trees and hunt for insects and spiders and also feed on nectar of cherry blossoms by using tongues effectively. During breeding season, chirp “gee qui qui qi qi qi” and do drumming by tapping trees. Find half-dead trees and dig a hole and build a nest. Prefer trees of cherry blossoms and small mushrooms. From May to June, lay five eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 15 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round)


  • Picus awokera (Japanese Green Woodpecker) Woodpecker
    Picus awokera (Japanese Green Woodpecker)
    Picus awokera (Japanese Green Woodpecker) Selected
    Is a woodpecker only live in Japan and found in forests from flatlands to mountains in south of Honshu area. Sometimes build a nest on cherry blossoms trees at parks in cities. The body color is grayish green with red on sides of a head and a bill. The body color for male and female is almost the same but male have larger red patterns and entire head is red. Fly from trees to trees by peck trunk of trees to catch insects and spiders and even ants on the ground. From autumn to winter, also feed on fruits and nuts of tree. The breeding season is from May to June. Chirp “pyo pyo” like whistles and do drumming. Nest in a tree by digging a with bill and lay seven to eight eggs in a season.

    ●Size  about 29 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round)
  • Terpsiphone atrocaudata (Black Paradise Flycatcher) Black Paradise Flycatcher
    Terpsiphone atrocaudata (Black Paradise Flycatcher)
    Terpsiphone atrocaudata (Black Paradise Flycatcher) Selected
    Fly back to Japan from Southeast Asia where they spent winter around April and breed in forests from flatlands to mountains. Chirp “two hee hoo shee hoi hoi” sounds like “Moon and star hoi hoi” for most of Japanese, hence the Japanese name is San-ko-chu literally meaning three lights birds. Around eyes and a bill is bright blue. Long tail is three times as large as body length for male and female have short tails. Are active in shady forets and hunt for insects and spiders in the air and at the tips of leaves. Build an upside down conical-shaped nest with moss, barks and threads of spiders. Lay three to five eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  Male about 45 cm, female about 18 cm
    ●Season  April to August (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn.)


  • Garrulus glandarius (Jay) Jungle Crow
    Garrulus glandarius (Jay)
    Garrulus glandarius (Jay) Selected
    The body color of male and female is the same and brown on body with white and black patterns on head. Wings with black, blue and white patterns are distinct while flying. Found in shady forests from flatlands to mountains and live in a small group except breeding season. Walk like jumping on the ground or on trees and feed on insects, lizards and nuts of trees. The favorite food is acorns and sometimes hides them in hollows of trees or in soils. Chirp “Jyee Jyee“ with husky voice but good at pretending hawks and small birds. The breeding season is from April to June, build a nest at the base of branches and lay five to six eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 33 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round)
  • Parus varius (Varied Tit) Great Tit
    Parus varius (Varied Tit)
    Parus varius (Varied Tit) Selected
    Found in forests from flatlands to low elevations and live around evergreen broad-leaved forests including camphor laurel and oak trees. They often come to residential areas. Live alone or in a small group except breeding season but some do stay in pairs throughout a year. The body color of male and female is almost the same with distinct bluish gray wings and nut-brown back and abdomen. Feed on bugs and nuts of trees. The favorite food is an acorn and holds them with legs and cracks them with bill to eat. Have a habit of hiding and storing acorns in hollows of trees or in soils for winter. The breeding season is from April to July and male chirps sounding like “tu tu pee tu pee”. Re-use the nest of woodpeckers or bird box and lay five to eight eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 14 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round.)


  • Parus major (Great Tit) Great Tit
    Parus major (Great Tit)
    Parus major (Great Tit) Selected
    Have a distinct black tie-like pattern from throat to chest. The body color of male and female is almost the same but this pattern on male is wider than the one on female. Found in forests from flatlands to mountains and even at parks in residential areas. Are not afraid of human being and build a nest in letter boxes at houses or flower pots at gardens. Hunt for bugs and spiders on trees or on the ground and also feed on seeds of plants. Often come to feeding stations. Their favorite is sunflower seeds. Male chirps sounding like “tu tu pee tu tu pee” during breeding season. Nest in a hole or space between rocks but often use bird’s box. Lay seven to ten eggs from April to July.

    ●Body Length  about 15 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round.)


  • Delichon urbica (House Martin) House Martin
    Delichon urbica (House Martin)
    Delichon urbica (House Martin) Selected
    Fly back to Japan in the earliest time in spring from Southeast Asia. Body size is small and tail is short compare to house sparrow. Whereas house sparrow have red-brown rom face to throat, but this species have white throat. Live in a group in open fields from flatlands to high elevations. Catch mosquitos, moths and flies during the flight. Are used to nest in a group on rocky hills or caves along coasts but now below ceilings of building, stations, bridges and houses in cities as they are increased in number. Male chirp sounding like “pi li jyu li chi” during breeding season. Build a pot-shaped nest shaping muds and dry leaves with saliva and lay three to four eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 15 cm
    ●Season  March to about Octobers (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn.)
  • Hypsipetes amaurotis (Brown-eared Bulbul) Brown-eared Bulbul
    Hypsipetes amaurotis (Brown-eared Bulbul)
    Hypsipetes amaurotis (Brown-eared Bulbul) Selected
    Found in forests from flatlands to mountains and also often seen in cities. Chirp loudly sounding like “hi hi heeyo heeyo”, hence the Japanese name Hiyo-dori. Mostly live on trees and hardly ever come down to the ground. Feed on fruits, nuts of trees, flowers, nectar, insects, chicks and lizards. Originally raise chicks from spring to summer in mountains and come to warm flatlands from autumn to winter but more and more species do live in cities or at parks throughout a year. The breeding season is from May to July. Build a nest with dead leaves and twigs and lay four to five eggs in a season. Sometimes plastic threads are used to build a nest. Are in a group of hundreds and fly short distance to the warmer areas (change habitats by season).

    ●Body Length  about 28 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round.)
  • Cettia diphone (Bush Warbler) Short-tailed Bush Warbler
    Cettia diphone (Bush Warbler)
    Cettia diphone (Bush Warbler) Selected
    Are famous for their chirp sounding like ”Hō-hoke-kyo”. This is a male announcing own territory. Except this season and female normally chirp sounding like “cha cha cha”. Found in shrubs, forests and grasslands from flatlands to mountains and sometimes at parks in cities. The body color of male and female is almost the same, with grayish green body and light gray belt-like pattern above eyes. Live normally alone except breeding season and feed on bugs and spiders and fruits including persimmons. Rest placing a body horizontally to branches and change where they are looking by moving tails with rhythm. Fly in shrubs but does not fly long distance. The breeding season is from April to August. Build a ball-shaped nest with sasa leaves and dead Japanese pampas grass and lay four to six eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 15 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round.) or nomadic bird)


  • Cettia squameiceps (Short-tailed Bush Warbler) Short-tailed Bush Warbler
    Cettia squameiceps (Short-tailed Bush Warbler)
    Cettia squameiceps (Short-tailed Bush Warbler) Selected
    Fly back to Japan in spring from Southeast Asia where they spent winter. It is difficult to find as they live in shady forests with sasa leaves and hardly ever come out from there. Live alone except breeding season and walk and jump around to hunt for bugs and spiders just like rats do. The body color of male and female is almost the same with brown body, cocoon like white belt-like patterns and have short tail. The breeding season is from May to July and male chirp sounding like ”shin shin shin” like insects and for alerting, “cha cha” in own territory. Build a cup-shaped nest with moss and fallen leaves at the roots of trees and dip on the ground and lay five to seven eggs in a season. In autumn after nestling, fly to south.

    ●Body Length  about 11 cm
    ●Season April to October (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn)
  • Aegithalos caudatus (Long-tailed Tit) Long-tailed Tit
    Aegithalos caudatus (Long-tailed Tit)
    Aegithalos caudatus (Long-tailed Tit) Selected
    This species have the shortest bill in Japan. Have a small roundy body with distinct long tail. The body color of male and female is almost the same, white head with black belt above eyes and light purple color on shoulders. Live in pine tree forests from flatlands to mountains and also in woody residential areas and at parks. Chirp sounding like “ju li ju li tu li li chee chee” regardless of season. Live in a small group except breeding season and some are with other birds such as great tit. Feed on bugs, spiders and nuts of trees on branches and also on sap of maple trees in early spring. The breeding season is from February to June. Build a oval-shaped nest with twigs, spider’s thread and moss and lay seven to twelve eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 14 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round.)
  • Phylloscopus occipitalis (Crowned Willow Warbler) Crowned Willow Warbler
    Phylloscopus occipitalis (Crowned Willow Warbler)
    Phylloscopus occipitalis (Crowned Willow Warbler) Selected
    Fly back to Japan in spring from Southeast Asia where they spent winter. Live in broad-leaved forests including quercus serrate and maple trees in low elevations but found them at parks and residential areas from spring and autumn. The body color of male and female is almost the same and dark green from head to back with white cocoon like long line. Move frequently on branches and feed on bugs and spiders on leaves and branches. The breeding season is May to June and chirp sounding like “cho cho bee” on trees, also sounding like “sho-chu-ippai-gubi” in Japanese (one more cup of shochu). Build a ball-shaped nest with the entrance is tilted open by collecting fallen leaves and plants. Lay five to six eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 13 cm
    ●Season  April to October (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn.)
  • Zosterops japonica (Japanese White-eye) Japanese White-eye
    Zosterops japonica (Japanese White-eye)
    Zosterops japonica (Japanese White-eye) Selected
    Found in forests from flatlands to low elevations and also at parks, gardens and backyards of residence. The body color of male and female is almost the same and have yellow-green from head to the back and distinct ring of white feathers around eyes. Most of them live in pairs throughout a year and move frequently among trees and hunt for spiders and plant louses. Also likes nectar and pollen of flowers and fly to camellia, cherry blossoms and Japanese ume flowers for nectar and pollen. At these tree, the face of this species are covered with pollen, thus they have the role of pollinating. The breeding season is from April to June. Build a cup-shaped nest with moss and stems of plants glued with spider’s threads. Lay three to five eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 12 cm
    ●Season  January to December (resident bird, bird that stay in the same area all year round.)
  • Bombycilla japonica (Japanese Waxwing) Japanese Waxwing
    Bombycilla japonica (Japanese Waxwing)
    Bombycilla japonica (Japanese Waxwing) Selected
    Come back to Japan around October from breeding ground in Siberia to spent winter. Found in forests in low elevations and at parks in cities. Is very similar to waxwing with reddish brown body with crown-like feathers on the head. Chirp sounding like a bell “tinkle tinkle tinkle”. The point to identify this species from waxwing is the body size. This species is slightly smaller and have red belt-like pattern on tail. Are always in a group and rest in one tree or lining up on electric wires and fly altogether. Feed on nuts of trees but some catches insects during flight. Fly back to the north before summer.

    ●Body Length  about 18 cm
    ●Season  October to about May (winter bird)
  • Turdus pallidus (Pale Thrush) Blue-and-white Flycatcher
    Turdus pallidus (Pale Thrush)
    Turdus pallidus (Pale Thrush) Selected
    Is a winter bird fly to Japan to spent winter and native to areas in Ussuri river runs on the border of northeastern China and Russia and Korean Penninsula. Live in forests from flatlands to mountains and also at woody parks and fruit farms. Walk and jump around shady forests and hardly ever come out to open spaces. Hunt for earthworms and larvae from the fallen leaves layers and soils. The body color of male and female is almost the same and gray on the head and dark-greenish dark brown on the back. Gray on abdomen with distinct white center as the Japanese name Shirohara literally meaning white abdomen states. Chirp sounding like “cyo cyo cyo” and “twee” when they are about to fly. Fly back north in spring but some breed in Tsushima in Nagasaki prefecture.

    ●Body Length  about 25 cm
    ●Season  November to March (Winter bird, fly to Japan in autumn and spend winter and fly away in spring.)
  • Turdus naumanni (Dusky Thrush) Blue-and-white Flycatcher
    Turdus naumanni (Dusky Thrush)
    Turdus naumanni (Dusky Thrush) Selected
    Come back to Japan in autumn in a large group from breeding ground in Siberia to spent winter. Spread throughout Japan and live in forests, croplands, riverbeds and parks and even at feeding stations at residence. Roost in woody forests and shrubs and live in a group right after they arrive Japan but most of them live alone in winter. Jump and walk on the ground and stop with holding their chest out. This species repeat these actions and hunt for preys. Feed on earthworms and larvae from picking them from fallen leaves and soils. Also feed on fruits of persimmons and pyracantha. In autumn, chirp sounding like “cu cu” repeatedly and “twee” while flying. Are in a group again in spring to go back north for breeding.

    ●Body length  about 24 cm
    ●Season  October to April (Winter bird, fly to Japan in autumn and spend winter and fly away in spring.)
  • Tarsiger cyanurus (Siberian Bluechat) Blue-and-white Flycatcher
    Tarsiger cyanurus (Siberian Bluechat)
    Tarsiger cyanurus (Siberian Bluechat) Selected
    Male’s blue feathers from the head to the tail are very beautiful with striking orange on the side of abdomen. The body color of female is greenish brown on entire body. Change habitat on season and live in 1,500 meters high elevation areas from spring to summer for breeding and come down to low elevations including forests in Mt. Takao and woody parks in winter. Live alone and both male and female hold territory. Hunt for insects, centipedes and spiders and feed on nuts of trees in winter. The breeding season is from June to August. Male rest on higher branches and chirp sounding like “pi chuli hyo lo lo”. Build a cup-shaped nest with moss and fallen leaves at the root of fallen trees. Lay three to five eggs in a season.

    ●Body Length  about 14 cm
    ●Season  November to March (wandering bird, bird that have different areas for breeding and spending winter)


  • Phoenicurus auroreus (Daurian Redstart) Blue-and-white Flycatcher
    Phoenicurus auroreus (Daurian Redstart)
    Phoenicurus auroreus (Daurian Redstart) Selected
    Come back to Japan in autumn from breeding ground in Siberia to spent winter. Live in open spaces including forests in low elevations, riverbeds and parks. The body color of male is silver on the head and the back of neck and distinct orange on abdomen. Stand on branches and stakes and chirp sounding like “he he” right after they arrive Japan to announce own territory. Also chirp sounding like “qua qua” after bowing and swing a tail. This sound is similar the sound hitting flints, hence the Japanese name hitaki for birds in muscicapidae family and it literally means to start a fire. Live alone and hunt for insects and spiders and also feed on fruits of Japanese spindles and pyracantha. Fly back north for breeding in early spring.

    ●Body Length  about 14 cm
    ●Season  October to March (Winter bird, fly to Japan in autumn and spend winter and fly away in spring.)
  • Ficedula narcissina (Narcissus Flycatcher) Blue-and-white Flycatcher
    Ficedula narcissina (Narcissus Flycatcher)
    Ficedula narcissina (Narcissus Flycatcher) Selected
    Fly back to Japan in spring from Southeast Asia. Found in forests with tall trees from flatlands to mountains. The body color of male is distinct yellow color from throat to chest as the Japanese name Kibitaki literally meaning yellow birds in muscicapidae family. The body color of female is subdued and greenish gray from the head to the back. Rest on branches and are not too active and feed on insects and spiders on branches and leaves. And sometimes fly insects in the air. The breeding season is from May to July. Male chirp in a different tones “pi co lo lo lo” and “tu ku tu ku o-shi” and also good at chirping like other birds. Build a nest with fallen leaves and moss in a hole of tree, ceiling of building and door pockets. Lay four to six eggs in a season. in spring and autumn, come down to parks in cities.

    ●Body Length  about 15 cm
    ●Season  April to October (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn.)


  • Cyanoptila cyanomelana (Blue-and-white Flycatcher) Blue-and-white Flycatcher
    Cyanoptila cyanomelana (Blue-and-white Flycatcher)
    Cyanoptila cyanomelana (Blue-and-white Flycatcher) Selected
    Fly back to Japan in spring from Southeast Asia. Live in forests in mountains and especially where it is close to ponds, lakes and stream. The body color of male is bright and shiny red feathers from head to the tail and female is light brown. Male chirp at the top of tall tree sounding like “pi lee lee, choo bee bee, gee gee” to announce own territory. The voice is very beautiful and this species, bush warbler and Japanese robin are designated as three birds in Japan with beautiful voices. Male have a several place for chirp and move routinely to each places and chirp. From May to July, build a deep cup-shaped nest with moss in the dip in a cliff and lay three to five eggs in a season. In autumn, fly back to the place where they spend winter.

    ●Body Length  about 16 cm
    ●Season  April to October (Summer bird, fly to one area from spring to summer for breeding and fly back to southern areas in autumn.)


※Quotation from Mount Takao formula application
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